Book Haul! (124)

Book Haul is a weekly feature here on Katie’s Book Blog.  It is not something I created and I take no credit for it.  Anyone who wants to participate can and you don’t necessarily have to call it a book haul. It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades.

For review:
-Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
-Dark Souls by Paula Morris
-Without Tess by Marcella Pixley
-The Project by Brian Falkner
-Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay
-Reaching Through Time by Lurlene McDaniel
-Ingenue (Flappers #2) by Jillian Larkin
-The Game Of Triumphs by Laura Powell
-Hooked by Catherine Greenman

From Nicole (the awesome blogger at Word For Teens):
-All The Things You Are by Courtney Sheinmel
-My Ridiculous Romantic Obsessions by Becca Wilhite
-Pretty Monsters by Kelly Link
-Branded (Fall Of Angels #1) by Keary Taylor
-Friend Is Not A Verb by Daniel Ehrenhaft
-Karma For Beginners by Jessica Blank
-Manifest (Mystyx #1) by Artist Arthur
-Screwball by Keri Mikulski

No links this week because Blogger is being dumb!

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  1. Happy birthday to your brother! Youtalkreallyfast. It was actually pretty funny.
    You’re so lucky you got Shatter Me!
    I LOVE Stacey Jay. 🙂
    You got some awesome books. Enjoy!

  2. I am so psyched for Shatter Me, I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy. Juliet Immortal was great, I hope you enjoy it! Happy Reading :0)

  3. You got so many awesome books! You fit A LOT of books into 2 minutes, very impressive 😉 I am now going to have to had even more books to my TBR list!

  4. So I thought I posted a comment, but I guess I didn’t? FAIL, lol.

    YAY for Shatter Me, Ingenue, Juliet Immortal and Without Tess! You must let me know how they are. 😀

  5. There are lots of books I’ve never heard of and they all look awesome!

    Lovely vlog 🙂