Fateful by Claudia Gray

Title:  Fateful
Author:  Claudia Gray
Release date:  September 13, 2011
Publisher:  HarperTeen
Pages:  356
Source:  BEA
Buy:  Amazon / Barnes & Noble / The Book Depository

It’s about a servant girl named Tess in 1912, who wants to escape from the house where she works, and most particularly the lecherous young lord of the manor. But that’s not her biggest problem. While on a voyage to America, where she plans to escape and start a new life, she meets Alec, who’s ruggedly handsome, fabulously wealthy, intelligent and yet so clearly troubled that she’d rather not fall for him, but she does. That also is not her biggest problem. Alec, it turns out, is a werewolf … one cursed to change every night, unless and until he surrenders his independence and joins the Brotherhood, a pack of violently misogynistic werewolves who have been tracking him for months. You’d think that would be their biggest problem, wouldn’t you?
But no. Their biggest problem — though they don’t know it yet — is that they’re aboard the RMS Titanic.
Wow! I did not think werewolves on the Titanic would be anything that appealed to me but I was so wrong.  I loved it!  This was my first ever Claudia Gray book but it will definitely not be my last.
Tess is a servant but she does not act like one.  Sure she is well mannered and polite to her betters but she doesn’t really see them as better than her.  She knows how to treat people and she knows that a lot of the richer class don’t.  She is smart, strong-willed, kind, brave, and funny.  Alec shares a lot of the same qualities as her and I really liked him.  I liked them together.  They were perfect for each other.  Really all the characters were great.  I thought it was a fabulous mix of personalities and stations in life and it was fun to see them interact with each other.
The story itself was really fascinating.  I’m sure you all know what happens to the Titanic so you kind of know how things will end but I was still really surprised by a lot of the stuff that happened.  And the end was so heartbreaking.  Obviously you know not every character can live in this book and I definitely cried a little for each one that died.  I really grew to love them all and it tore me up when so many died.
Overall, Fateful is a book that I have to recommend. Don’t let the subject matter turn you off from this one because it may just be one of my new faves (and I kind of thought it was a joke at first).
First line: It’s not too late to turn back, I tell myself.
Rating:  A++
Cover:  A-
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  1. Great Review! I just finished this one this week too – I didn’t think werewolves on Titanic would be good, but I’m so glad to have been proven wrong. You should definitely give Claudia Gray’s Evernight series a try! 🙂

    My Review for Fateful

  2. Oh, my copy of Fateful arrived this week and I definitely need to read it soon (there are just too many books waiting for me to read them!). I’ve heard soo many good things about this, but read a few mixed reviews, too, so I’m happy you liked this so much.

    Thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend,
    Carina @ Fictional Distraction

  3. I knew I wanted to read Fateful when I first heard werewolves and Titanic. And it was awesome but it was still a little sad to read about the sinking of the ship.

  4. Oh no. Now you’ve gone and potentially put another book on my TBR. I never gave it a second thought before your review. I’m thinking it definitely deserves a second look now though.

  5. You should try her vampire books! Lots of unique vampire culture and aspects of their life and the characters are wonderful!

    Lovely review 🙂