Today Lindsay from Turning The Pages is guest posting! We thought it would be fun to do a this or that list all about Halloween. Check out Lindsay’s answers as well as mine!
-Candy corn or caramel apples?
Lindsay: Neither… if I am going to go all out, it’s going to be on something chocolate and yummy. Okay, if I had to answer one of the above it would be Caramel Apples but only because looking at Candy Corn gives me a headache… Ugh
Katie: I am a candy corn person, all the way. =)
-Trick-or-treating or handing out candy?
Lindsay: Both. While being too old to actually trick-or-treat without police being called, I like going with my son. I also enjoy sitting on the couch and laughing at my husband everytime he HAS to get up to answer the door and hand out candy… not my job!! 🙂
Katie: Trick-or-treating. Why would I want to hand out candy when I could be out getting my own?
-Simple or elaborate costumes?
Lindsay: Simple… or none at all is preferable. I am more of the cat ears headband person!!
Katie: Elaborate. I love going all out and getting to dress up. It only happens once a year so why not?
-Corn mazes or pumpkin patches?
Lindsay: Pumpkin Patches. We are lucky enough to live in the country so we have a ton of pumpkin patches with petting zoos, wagon rides and even small corn mazes. I don’t like the feeling of being followed by a serial killer enough to attempt the BIG corn mazes… have you ever seen The Shining? That was like a corn maze… *shivers*
Katie: Corn mazes for me. I tend to get lost but I am always with friends so it is worth it.
Lindsay: Edward Cullen… enough said! YUM!
Katie: I have to agree with Lindsay on this one. Edward Cullen is one good looking vampire. Now, if werewolves were an option, my answer would change.
-Orange or black?
Lindsay: Black… I don’t really do the whole orange thing, unless of course it is choice of popsicles.
Katie: Both. It is tradition for me to paint my nails black and orange for the month of October.
-Pumpkin carving or bobbing for apples?
Lindsay: Pumpkin Carving… whoever decided that it was appropriate to do your hair and make-up, attend a Halloween party and then stick your head in a vat of water, should be shot!
Katie: Once again I have to agree with Lindsay. No way am I doing all that work to ruin it with a game. Pumpkin carving for me!
-Horror movies or ghost stories?
Lindsay: Horror movies…LOVE THEM!!
Katie: Ghost stories. I am not good with horror movies.
-Haunted houses or hay rides?
Lindsay: Well… hay rides are itchy and smell like horse poop vs haunted houses make me pee my pants, so I am not sure which one I prefer… Hmmm… okay, Haunted House. I can always pack new undies!!
Katie: Haunted houses. They are so much fun even though they scare me.
What about you guys? What are your answers?
Thanks for allowing me to guest post on your Birthday Bash celebration! It was a blast!
Also, I would have a hard time picking if it were between Vampires and Werewolves too… such a dilema!!
Great List!
I’m with Katie on the elaborate costumes. I usually start searching for mine months in advance 🙂
This or That is so fun! And a Halloween edition was even better. Awesome list guys :]
Great List! katie
I too love elaborate costumes and corn mazes! Haunted houses too – I’d love to spend the night in a haunted place with ghost hunters 🙂
Love this!!