Birthday Bash: This Or That List (Halloween Style!)

Today Lindsay from Turning The Pages is guest posting!  We thought it would be fun to do a this or that list all about Halloween.  Check out Lindsay’s answers as well as mine!

-Candy corn or caramel apples?

Lindsay: Neither… if I am going to go all out, it’s going to be on something chocolate and yummy. Okay, if I had to answer one of the above it would be Caramel Apples but only because looking at Candy Corn gives me a headache… Ugh

Katie: I am a candy corn person, all the way.  =)

-Trick-or-treating or handing out candy?

Lindsay: Both. While being too old to actually trick-or-treat without police being called, I like going with my son. I also enjoy sitting on the couch and laughing at my husband everytime he HAS to get up to answer the door and hand out candy… not my job!! 🙂

Katie: Trick-or-treating. Why would I want to hand out candy when I could be out getting my own?

-Simple or elaborate costumes?

Lindsay: Simple… or none at all is preferable. I am more of the cat ears headband person!!

Katie: Elaborate. I love going all out and getting to dress up. It only happens once a year so why not?

-Corn mazes or pumpkin patches?

Lindsay: Pumpkin Patches. We are lucky enough to live in the country so we have a ton of pumpkin patches with petting zoos, wagon rides and even small corn mazes. I don’t like the feeling of being followed by a serial killer enough to attempt the BIG corn mazes… have you ever seen The Shining? That was like a corn maze… *shivers*

Katie: Corn mazes for me. I tend to get lost but I am always with friends so it is worth it.

-Zombies or vampires?

Lindsay: Edward Cullen… enough said! YUM!

Katie: I have to agree with Lindsay on this one.  Edward Cullen is one good looking vampire.  Now, if werewolves were an option, my answer would change.

-Orange or black?

Lindsay: Black… I don’t really do the whole orange thing, unless of course it is choice of popsicles.

Katie: Both. It is tradition for me to paint my nails black and orange for the month of October.

-Pumpkin carving or bobbing for apples?

Lindsay: Pumpkin Carving… whoever decided that it was appropriate to do your hair and make-up, attend a Halloween party and then stick your head in a vat of water, should be shot!

Katie: Once again I have to agree with Lindsay.  No way am I doing all that work to ruin it with a game. Pumpkin carving for me!

-Horror movies or ghost stories?

Lindsay: Horror movies…LOVE THEM!!

Katie: Ghost stories.  I am not good with horror movies.

-Haunted houses or hay rides?

Lindsay: Well… hay rides are itchy and smell like horse poop vs haunted houses make me pee my pants, so I am not sure which one I prefer… Hmmm… okay, Haunted House. I can always pack new undies!!

Katie: Haunted houses.  They are so much fun even though they scare me.

What about you guys?  What are your answers?

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  1. Thanks for allowing me to guest post on your Birthday Bash celebration! It was a blast!

    Also, I would have a hard time picking if it were between Vampires and Werewolves too… such a dilema!!

  2. I too love elaborate costumes and corn mazes! Haunted houses too – I’d love to spend the night in a haunted place with ghost hunters 🙂

    Love this!!