Birthday Bash: Top Ten Book Based Halloween Costumes!

Today Brenna from Esther’s Ever After is guest posting!  She picked her top ten favorite Halloween costumes based on book characters!

As part of Katie’s October Birthday Bash, I’m giving you some ideas for Halloween costumes- all inspired by literature (predominantly Young Adult books)! There’s a good variety here, so if you don’t have your costume picked out yet, hopefully you can find some new inspiration here:

1. Harry Potter wizard/witch: A classic costume, one that we’ve all done at least once in our lives. Fans have created their own costumes, or bought out from the wide selection available of the retail Hogwarts costumes.

2. Hunger Games Katniss: We’ve all seen the EW photos. And even though the movie isn’t out yet, fans of the series should have enough descriptions from reading the books (over and over…) to have an idea for costumes. A black raincoat and bow should suffice, along with a long braid to complete the “Katniss in the games” look.

3. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Pick out a pretty empire wait Victorian dress, or a classy suit for the guys and throw on some Zombie makeup and fake blood (while you can make a Zombie costume out of just about anything, this one has to be the best)

4. Twilight vampire: Throw on some sparkles! Voila, you are a Twilight vampire! Maybe put in some creepy contacts and some light coloured face powder. You could even get the stereotypical vampire fangs just in case.

5. Mortal Instruments Shadowhunter: The best part about this one is it’s noticeable to fans of the series, but so easy to do. Pick out some Shadowhunter clothes (see Cassandra Clare’s books for inspiration ideas and descriptions of the characters) and then carefully draw on your runes.

6. Greek god/goddess: Like Starcrossed, and Josephine Angelini’s fun toga-inspired giveaway contest, this is another fairly simple costume idea.

7. The Luxe: Because I need some sort of an excuse to buy one of those dresses. And wear it.

8. Bloodlines alchemist: Your clothes should be entirely in shades of black, white and grey and then draw one of those nifty golden lily tattoos on your cheek.

9. Percy Jackson: This one gets points for being so simple: an orange t-shirt and just make your own iron-on that says “Camp Half-Blood”. It’s cost effective, too!

10. Half-human/half mythological creature: Think Ripple by Mandy Hubbard or Firelight by Sophie Jordan. Draw your inspiration from the covers where scales are strategically placed to give you that kind of subtle creature appearance.

So what do you guys think?  Personally, I’m with Brenna about The Luxe dresses.  I need one of those! 

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  1. Great costume ideas! One of the Luxe dresses would be cool, but I might look silly with a parka over it, it’s really cold here 🙂
    Last year I was Coraline, black pants, painted stars on a blue turtleneck, added a hair clip to a blue wig. Sadly, absolutely no one at the Halloween party that I went to had read the book or watched the movie so they had no clue who I was.

  2. I was a MI Shadowhunter two years ago 🙂 I loved decorating myself with tattoos and strutting around with weapons and a leather jacket. If only I’d had a Jace to accompany me!

  3. This year, for work, I’m going as a Gryffindor, but for the parties, I went as the Man in Black from The Princess Bride–boots, mask, sword, and all! (Five bucks I end up stabbing myself with that sword before the end of the night!)


  4. The shadowhunters have lots of awesomeness to include in a costume!

    Love your ideas 🙂

    Great post! 🙂