Birthday Bash: Top Ten Villains!

Today Angela from Reading Angel is guest posting! She picked her top ten creepy characters/villains from books!

1. Dolores Umbridge – Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling
I still get the creeps thinking of Dolores. Her kitty fascination, and pure hatred just grate on me.

2. Al – The Hollow Series by Kim Harrison
I adore Al. He is one of my most loved villains. He never fells to make me laugh, even when he makes me shudder.

3. Sammy – Nikki Styx Series by Terri Garey
Sammy is one smoldering hot devil. Even when he is ruining everyone’s life I still love him.

4. Oliver – Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine
The snarkiest, funniest, evil vamp. Love him.

5. President Snow – Hunger Games Series – Suzanne Collins
UGH! What more do I need to say?

6. Jadis (White Witch) – Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis
Classic, I know, but I still love this series, and she will always be one of my favorite villains.

7. Ridley – Caster Chronicles by Margaret Stohl and Kami Garcia
When Ridley comes, trouble follows, and always in the most amusing ways!

8. Bellatrix Lestrange – Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling
Creepy and strange, I love to hate her.

9. Count Olaf – Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snickett
He is the most wicked of guardians. Strange and evil. He is so creepy!

10. Jane – Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer
Jane!!!! Creepy child vampire who inflicts pain? Yeah, you gotta love it….

So what do you guys think?  Who are your favorite villains?

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  1. Haha agree with Dolores and her kitty fetish. I would add Darth Vader from Star Wars just cause he is awesome at being evil. 😀

  2. I agree with Dolores she looks nice and sweet but is just filled with crazy. I also am with you on Al, he’s one of my favorite characters in the Hollows Series. Can’t really think of any other villains at the moment. Great Post!

  3. Love your list! Even though there are a couple im not familiar with. I would include snow, hes just undeniably in everyones list, bellatrix, shes just crazy bad. Voldy i love to hate him, on my baddies list.

  4. I think Umbridge is one of the most hideous villains out there, because she looks and acts like a granny – well a psychotic one 🙂