Book Haul! (130)

Book Haul is a weekly feature here on Katie’s Book Blog.  It is not something I created and I take no credit for it.  Anyone who wants to participate can and you don’t necessarily have to call it a book haul. It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades.

Bloggers/Blogs mentioned:
-Ivy at Ivy Reads
-Justin at Justin’s Book Blog
Emily’s Reading Room

For review:  
The Catastrophic History Of You & Me by Jess Rothenberg
How To Save A Life by Sara Zarr
Unison Spark by Andy Marino
The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe
Ditched by Robin Mellom
The Darlings In Love (Darlings #2) by Melissa Kantor
Dark Seeker by Taryn Browning
Ashes by Ilsa J. Bick

Prism by Faye and Aliza Kellerman
I Am Rembrandt’s Daughter by Lynn Cullen
Your Eyes In Stars by M.E. Kerr
Zombie Queen Of Newbury High by Amanda Ashby
The Eagle by Rosemary Sutcliff
Surrender by Sonya Hartnett
Aries Rising (Star Crossed #1) by Bonnie Hearn Hill
Stay With Me by Paul Griffin
Beautiful Days (Bright Young Things #2) by Anna Godbersen
Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst
As I Wake by Elizabeth Scott

The Broken Lake (The Pace #2) by Shelena Shorts
The Iron Quill (The Pace #3) by Shelena Shorts

Leverage by Joshua C. Cohen
Divergent (Divergent #1) by Veronica Roth
Delirium (Delirium #1) by Lauren Oliver

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  1. I am jealous of Megan Crewe’s book – I’m supposed to get it so I am excited! Also Ashes, ditto to what I said lol. Enjoy all your books 🙂

  2. Delirium and Divergent in the same week? Pretty fab…two of my 2011 favorites. Oh and also, can’t wait to hear your thoughts on The Catastrophic History Of You & Me…I am dying to read it!

  3. Awesome haul! I’ve actually just ordered Daughter of Smoke and Bone and I’m totally psyched to read it. Everyone seems to love it so hopefully it’ll arrive very soon.

    My IMM is here if you’d like a look 🙂

  4. So glad you liked the birthday gift. 🙂 And I really like the other books you got too, there are a few that I want to buy eventually. 😛 You always make my list grow longer, lol. xD

  5. You bought lots of books that sound awesome!!

    Love the cover of Ditched 🙂

    Lovely vlog 🙂