Blog Tour: Interview with Susan Kaye Quinn + Giveaway

Today I am lucky enough to have Susan Kaye Quinn, the author of Open Minds, here on the blog for an interview.  Check back later this afternoon for my review of the book if you are curious about it before entering the giveaway.

KBB: Why did you decide to write a novel for young adults?

SKQ: I have three boys, ages 8, 10, and 13, and two nieces who are teens, so I could say that I write for them. And it is true that I fell in love with middle grade and young adult books because I was reading them with my kids and sharing them with my nieces. But I hadn’t written any fiction since I was a teenager myself, scribbling notes to my friends in class. When I was drawn back to writing fiction as an adult, only a few years ago, I think my teenaged writer self just picked up where she left off. 🙂

KBB: What do you think makes your book stand out in today’s market?

SKQ: People seem to be drawn to the cover (many thanks to my awesome cover designer) and to the concept (a world where everyone reads minds, except one girl). Paranormal and science fiction novels for YA are very hot right now, but Open Minds blends the two genres, and turns some of the tropes upside down. Many paranormal novels have mindreaders, but not a world where everyone reads minds. A lot of dystopias (which I love) have taken dire looks at the future, but don’t often blend in paranormal elements. Overall, the feedback so far seems to be that people find it unique. And it makes them think, which I like best of all. 🙂

KBB: Do you have any must-haves while you are writing?

SKQ: Tea. Black. No sugar or cream or any of that sissy stuff. In fact I have a lovely pot of tea in front of me right now! #happiness

KBB: What kind of books do you read in your spare time? Do you read the same genre that you write?

SKQ: I do read a lot of middle grade and young adult (since I write both, and because I love the stories). I don’t read a lot of adult fiction anymore – the pacing of young adult novels has ruined me for slower paced adult novels! And I read books on writing, but that’s all business.

KBB: Can you tell us anything about what you are currently working on?

SKQ: Right now, I’m drafting Closed Hearts, the sequel to Open Minds. I have a couple middle grade projects in the works (one science fiction, one fantasy), but those are on the back burner while I get Closed Hearts under way. It’s exciting to be writing the second book while people are reading and reviewing the first!

KBB: What is one young adult book that you would recommend?

SKQ: Only one? Ack. Ok … I’m going with White Cat (and Red Glove, the sequel, wait, that’s two!) by Holly Black. I adore her writing style, and I couldn’t love Cassel (the main character) anymore if I was a seventeen year old again myself.

KBB: Thanks so much for taking time to answer a few of my questions! I can’t wait to read Closed Hearts!

To be entered to win an ebook of Open Minds all you have to do is comment on this post (with your email)!
This giveaway will end on November 30!
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  1. It sounds super-exciting! I’ve added it to my Goodreads 🙂

    And I’m now subscribing to Susan’s newsletter and I also liked the FB page!


  2. Interesting book plot! I’m intrigued to read it! Lol sissy stuff. I cannot drink black tea or coffee! The stuff is so gross! I HAVE to add sugar AND cream to my coffee or it’s just not happening lol. Great interview! And thanks for the giveaway!

    Shae @ Understanding Shae’s Story

  3. The cover certainly draws attention. The model’s eyes are very BLUE!

    I have “liked” the Facebook page and have signed up for the newsletter 🙂


  4. I’ve been dying to read White Cat, and now that you have recommended it I am definitely going to get it! Thanks for that! I’m also determined to read Open Minds so thanks for the giveaway:)

    I subscribe to the newsletter
    I like Susan’s FB page

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  5. Great interview! The book has very beautiful story!
    I have “liked” the Facebook page(Demitra Giote) and have signed up for the newsletter
    Thank you for the giveaway!

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  6. I love what the author said that by reading YA with her kids and nieces she got back into writing and channeled her teen self again!

    She sounds super nice! I hope her books are becoming more and more popular 🙂

    Lovely interview 🙂