Christmas Wishlist (Part 2)!

So I posted my book wishlist the other day but I had someone ask about what else I want for Christmas.

The big thing:

I currently have a camera but it has not been cooperating lately and it is rather old.  This one looks simple enough that I can figure it out but it should take nice pictures.  =)

I love Betsey Johnson jewelry.  Her stuff is so cute and quirky.  =)
Once again, Betsey Johnson is amazing.  This is such a cute necklace!  I really need to stop looking at her website.
Do I even need to say anything about this one? It is an awesome Hunger Games calendar!
I have been told by so many people that I have to watch this series. I figure it is past time that I listen.
My brother loves this show.  He usually has pretty good taste in TV shows so I figured I would give it a shot.
I actually don’t like this color at all but I can’t find a picture of the color that I want.  I actually want a couple of these in different colors and patterns.  
So this is the bulk of my Christmas wishlist.  My parents know me very well and they usually get me a bunch of other little things.  I don’t usually pick out clothes and things because my mom never remembers them when she goes shopping without me.  I trust that she knows what I like and she has free rein as far as that goes.  She also usually comes up with a ton of other awesome ideas that I never would have thought of on my own.
So what are you guys hoping to get for Christmas this year?
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  1. I got the Nikon L110 for Christmas last year. If the one you want is similar than I think you will love it. It takes excellent pictures in good light and outdoors. Who needs a DSLR ?

  2. word to the wise, only watch season one of Heroes. From season two it starts going downhill =(. Nikon is always the good choice, though its more professional. I have the Canon SLR350D but im pining for a new Nikon D3100 or something. and omg i want that hunger games calendar! how much is it? O_O

    – juhina

  3. I’d like the Betsy Johnson necklace better if it was a police public call box. Because then it’d be Doctor Who. This one is Inspector Space Time. *queen of the dorks*

  4. Her jewelry is amazing! So unique:)

    Are you a shutterbug? Photography is an awesome talent to have – you should post some photos for us to see 🙂