First Line Friday (7)

First Line Friday is a feature created by me, where I post five first lines from some books that I have on my TBR pile. You guys then get to vote, based on the first lines, for the book that I will read next. =)

Title:  Unearthly (Unearthly #1)
Author:  Cynthia Hand
Release date:  January 4, 2011

In the beginning, there’s a boy standing in the trees. He’s around my age, in that space between child and man, maybe all of seventeen years old.  I’m not sure how I know this. I can only see the back of his head, his dark hair curling damply against his neck.  I feel the dry heat of the sun, so intense, drawing the life from everything.  There’s a strange orange light filling the eastern sky.  There’s the heavy smell of smoke.  For a moment I’m filled with such a smothering sense of grief that it’s hard to breathe.  I don’t know why.  I take a step toward the boy, open my mouth to call his name, only I don’t know it.  The ground crunches under my feet.  He hears me.  He starts to turn. One more second and I will see his face.
That’s when the vision leaves me.  I blink, and it’s gone.

Title:  Open Minds (Mindjack Trilogy #1)
Author:  Susan Kaye Quinn
Release date: November 1, 2011

A zero like me shouldn’t take public transportation.
The hunched driver wrinkled a frown before I even got on the bus.  Her attempt to read my mind would get her nothing but the quiet of the street corner where I stood.  I kept my face neutral.  Nobody trusted a zero to begin with, but scowling back would only make the driver more suspicious.  I gripped my backpack and gym bag tighter and climbed the grime-coated steps.  The driver’s mental command whooshed the door closed behind me.
Yeah, junior year was off to a fantastic start already.

Title:  Angelfire (Angelfire #1)
Author: Courtney Allison Moulton
Release date:  February 15, 2011

I stared out the classroom window and longed for freedom, to be anywhere in the world other than gaping up at my economics teacher like the rest of my classmates. The last time I had listened to him, Mr. Meyer had been lecturing about fiscal policy, and that was when he lost me.  My eyes rolled over to my best friend, Kate Green who was doodling intricate flowers all over her notes and looked like she was thoroughly entertaining herself.  Meanwhile, I was reduced to staring at the wiry, gray chest hair puffing out at the collar of Mr. Meyer’s polo shirt like overgrown steel wool and wondering whether he’d ever considered waxing.  

Title:  Dark Inside
Author:  Jeyn Roberts
Release date:  November 1, 2011

I’m standing at the edge of existence.  Behind me, a thousand monsters descend. Their disguises change with each stride.
When they look in a mirror do they see their true selves?

Title:  Wherever You Go
Author:  Heather Davis
Release date:  Novemeber 14, 2011

You’ve been by her side for six months, but she hasn’t noticed you.  Still, you slip into her mother’s sixth-floor apartment and keep her company while she eats her kid sister’s sugary cereal in the dark kitchen.  And you’re there with her as she gets books from her locker in Hallway C.  Sometimes her gaze wanders to the picture of you taped below the vents.  You’re on her mind in the seconds before she slams the door shut.

So based on these first lines (or paragraphs) which book would you like me to read and review next?

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  1. Wait, wait, wait. Katie, are you telling me you haven’t read Unearthly!? *gasp* Okay, that’s my vote. 😛 (And it would be my vote even if I weren’t biased. I love those opening lines!)

  2. I’ve only read Angelfire and Unearthly…but I’d pick Unearthly first! :] Both good titles, but Unearthly was definitely better for me! :]

  3. Unearthly! Also, “I stared out the classroom window” sounds like the beginning pretty much every short story I ever wrote in elementary school:P

  4. I loved Angelfire and Open Minds. I would say you will really like Open Minds. I just did a blog tour stop yesterday for it. I just won Unearthly so I am excited to read it.

  5. Unearthly and Angelfire are both really good and you should definitely read them soon. But I’m going to go with Dark Inside. I just finished it and it was awesome and different from most end of the world books.