November TBR!

This is my first TBR vlog and it was a ton of fun.  I look forward to doing more in the future.  And hopefully I can stick to my list for this month!

Books mentioned:
Unison Spark by Andy Marino
Wherever You Go by Heather Davis
Dark Inside by Jeyn Roberts
The Future Of Us by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler
Under The Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
Tempest by Julie Cross
Fracture by Megan Miranda
Angelfire (Angelfire #1) by Courtney Allison Moulton
Wings Of The Wicked (Angelfire #2) by Courtney Allison Moulton
Beautiful Darkness (Caster Chronicles #2) by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
Beautiful Chaos (Caster Chronicles #3) by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
Unearthly (Unearthly #1) by Cynthia Hand
Hallowed (Unearthly #2) by Cynthia Hand
Graceling (The Seven Kingdoms #1) by Kristin Cashore
Fire (The Seven Kingdoms #2) by Kristin Cashore
Not mentioned:
Crossed (Matched #2) by Ally Condie
Open Minds by Susan Kaye Quinn
So what do you guys think?  What would you read first?  
And of course, what are some of the books on your TBR pile for the month? Leave a link in the comments if you did your own post!
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  1. You have such a nice selection of books! Personally, I’d start with Under the Never Sky because it sounds totally amazing. I’d also read Unearthly because everyone seems to love it. 🙂

  2. Wow, tons of awesome ones! I read Wherever You Go and really liked it. It was definitely more of a contemporary tone rather then paranormal, even though there is a ghost.
    Unearthly is my favorite angel book and I have Hallowed here and can’t wait to read it!
    I liked Graceling but I LOVED LOVED LOVED Fire! LOVED!
    My TBR for November is all contemporary (I have a few review books I plan to throw in, but my vlog is just the contemporary books I plan to read).

  3. I love your selection!!!! I plan to read Beautiful Chaos, Under the Never Sky and Tempest and hopefully Pandemonium this month:)
    WOTW!!! Read it, read it read! Of course you have to read Angelfire first, but I’m sure you’ll love it!

  4. Excellent selection. I’ve got to agree with a lot of your choices.
    I just read The Future of Us a few days (weeks?) ago, and the font kind of drove me mad, though the way each chapter started (http://Emma or http://Josh) was cute. I don’t have any sort of author-crush on either author, and I didn’t even plan to read this book until I got it. But I read it, hoping it would at least live up to the hype. I was very underwhelmed.
    Hm. Under the Never Sky was recommended for HG and Graceling fans? Maybe I’ll give it a shot…
    Tempest looks pretty interesting, been hearing a nice amount of buzz as well. I await your thoughts.
    Angelfire was really, really good. I’m so jealous of your WotW! WANT!
    Beautiful Darkness really disappointed me. I haven’t read Chaos yet, but I hear it’s the best of the series so far.
    *jaw drops* You haven’t read Graceling or Fire yet? Drop everything. Read them. Now.
    And oh man, your copies are shiny. I never had a chance to buy them, so all I have a stupid ARC copy of Graceling I found on the $1 rack of a bookstore >< I WISH I had both in shin, shiny, hardcover. They’re my favorite books ever. I hope you love them.

    Enjoy your books! Best of luck getting through them!

  5. I’ve heard a few good things about Dark Inside. I’m looking forward to that one :]
    Tempest!! I’m not sure what it is about this one, but it looks SOO good.
    I didn’t really enjoy Beautiful Darkness as much as Creatures, but I still really want to read Chaos :]
    YAY for Unearthly!! I really hope you like it. I thought it was a seriously fantastic angel book.

  6. I’m glad you continued doing vlogs!

    They’re awesome and you’re totally natural doing it, some people get all antsy in front of a camera 🙂