Kiss Of Frost (Mythos Academy #2) by Jennifer Estep

Title: Kiss Of Frost
Author: Jennifer Estep
Release date: November 29, 2011
Publisher: Kensington Teen
Pages: 354
Source: Publisher

Logan Quinn was try­ing to kill me. My Spar­tan class­mate relent­lessly pur­sued me, swing­ing his sword at me over and over again, the shin­ing sil­ver blade inch­ing closer to my throat every time. A smile tugged up his lips, and his ice-blue eyes prac­ti­cally glowed with the thrill of battle…

I’m Gwen Frost, a second-year warrior-in-training at Mythos Acad­emy, and I have no idea how I’m going to sur­vive the rest of the semes­ter. One day, I’m get­ting schooled in sword­play by the guy who broke my heart—the drop-dead gor­geous Logan who slays me every time. Then, an invis­i­ble archer in the Library of Antiq­ui­ties decides to use me for tar­get prac­tice. And now, I find out that some­one at the acad­emy is really a Reaper bad guy who wants me dead. I’m afraid if I don’t learn how to live by the sword—with Logan’s help—I just might die by the sword…

SPOILER ALERT: If you haven’t read the first book, Touch Of Frost, this review will contain spoilers.

A couple months ago I read Touch Of Frost and enjoyed it.  Kiss Of Frost was so much better!  I adored this book!  Everything about this book was awesome and I can tell that I am going to love this series.

Gwen has changed very little since the end of the first book.  She is still in love with Logan, still totally uncoordinated, and still very bad with weapons.  On the other hand, her magic is growing and she is learning new ways to use it.  Logan hasn’t changed much either.  He is still with Savannah and still totally crushing on Gwen.  He did change a little throughout the book though and I liked him better after that. Daphne and Carson were still their fun, quirky selves.  Oliver is a new character and I liked him a lot (after I got past his BIG flaws.)

The plot was a lot more fast-paced than the first one.  Things picked up very early on and I had a hard time putting this book down.  In fact, the only time I did put it down was when I had to eat dinner.  Nothing else was important enough to pull me away from this book.  It was full of action, suspense, and some romance.  =)

Overall, Kiss Of Frost exceeded my expectations.  If you haven’t picked this one up yet, do it now!  You won’t regret it.

Rating: A

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  1. I only liked this book I thought it was a little too predictable but I still didn’t want to put it down once I started it. I also didn’t think there were enough Gwen and Logan interactions either. But I did enjoy learning more about Gwen’s background and the Mythos Academy. I am looking forward to Dark Frost, I just hope it won’t be as predictable.

  2. It’s awesome when the second book builds upon the first, improves the world, but still retains all the awesomeness and uniqueness that got you hooked on the first.

    Lovely review 🙂