Blog Tour: TMAS Crossover – Delaney’s Secrets + Giveaway

Today I have the fabulous Holly Cupala as part of the Don’t Breathe A Word blog tour.  Holly is here to share a few of Delaney’s secrets and whether or not she makes an appearance in Don’t Breathe A Word.


Tell Me A Secret
Don’t Breathe A Word

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Welcome to the Don’t Breathe a Word stop at Katie’s Book Blog – and huge thanks to Katie for inviting me! I’m glad to be here to share a few behind-the-scenes secrets…

People keep asking me…does Delaney really show up in Don’t Breathe a Word?

In a word: Yes. Although it’s not obvious—if you haven’t read Tell Me a Secret, you might not even notice. In fact, you might not even notice anyway. She’s kind of sneaky and hidden…exactly as Delaney ought to be, right?

So how does Delaney fit into all this, anyway? Well…let’s just say she and Asher (the secretly abusive boyfriend in DBAW) share a past. How much of a past? Delaney and Asher knew each other before Tell Me a Secret, before Don’t Breathe a Word. Both of them were students at View Ridge Prep, and they knew each other before Delaney is kicked out. Are these events related? Hmm…perhaps.

In fact, I’m tossing around the idea of writing their story. Two villains…one steamy relationship…how their tragedy shaped the lives that followed…

What do you think? Would you like to see a Delaney-Asher backstory? Any suggestions for story events? Make a suggestion and be entered to win the TMAS-DBAW prize pack, with a signed copy of Don’t Breathe a Word and the special edition Tell Me a Secret audiobook!

And don’t forget to follow the DBAW tour for more secrets, swag, and signed books! Thank you, Katie, and I hope readers love Don’t Breathe a Word!

Readers, you have two chances to win today.  Leave a comment with a suggestion for story events and be entered to win a signed copy of Don’t Breathe A Word and the special edition Tell Me A Secret audiobook. Fill out the form and be entered to win a copy of Don’t Breathe A Word.

Prize pack giveaway ends January 17 and is US only!

Don’t Breathe A Word giveaway ends January 15 and is international.  If an international winner is drawn the book will be shipped from The Book Depository.  If a US winner is drawn the book will be shipped from Holly and signed.

Fill out the form here!

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  1. Oh my goodness! HOLY COW!! That would be… amazing. Oh my wow.

    So, umm, yes. I would love to see their backstory!! Kinda creepy actually, to think about it! *shudder*

    Oh, and my suggestion is whatever you already know happened between them 😉 I think that would be best 🙂

  2. Yes, I would like to read a story about two villains. Maybe one of them was a spy and they met while the other one was on an undercover assignment? Thanks for the giveaway.

  3. I always wonder how a villain became a villain, so it would be interesting to read about a point in their life that changed their perspective and goal in life and turned them into villains.

    thanks for the giveaway and great interview!

    – juhina

  4. Awesome giveaway!

    Figuring out a character’s past is one of my favourite parts of writing, and when I read the finished product from a published author’s point of view, writing about his or her own characters, it gives me the confidence that detailed backstories are all worthwhile! A villain being the character the book focuses on only makes it better. The events that made them that way would be the thing I would most like to discover, but story events I’d enjoy could include from the first time they met to the last time they were together!

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  5. Thanks for hosting this blog stop and a giveaway! I would have to say my favorite story event is finding out someone you thought was the villain really isn’t a villain – or vice versa. As long as it’s not obvious! I love good twists like that.

  6. I’d almost like to see how they “almost” met before they meet. Does that make sense? I love when you read a book or watch a movie and people who end up together almost meet several times – they are in line behind each other to get coffee. They stand next to each other on the subway. That kind of stuff because it always makes me wonder who I’m missing as I go about my daily routine!

  7. What a great idea for a giveaway entry.

    I like seeing how villains once had (or still have) sensitive feelings and why they are now not so nice. Maybe it was a mis-communication turned wrong that caused the rift between them.

  8. I have no idea about these two books, not having read either, but I LOVE the idea of books that aren’t a series taking place in the same world. Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door are a good example. Jackson Pearce’s fairytale books are another good, if less obvious, example. I really need to read these books now!

  9. Since I haven’t read either book yet, it is hard to come up with suggestions for story events. I do like to know character’s (even villains) back stories though.

  10. I have not read either book, so just taking a stab here at something: You mentioned that they have a history, can you let us in on more of that? I love finding out deeper detail – after the fact.

    By the way, I now of both books on my TBR list.

  11. I’d like it to be something showing the backstory for both characters that made them who they are. Because villains often have a story in their past, like abusive parents, that makes them turn into who they are.

  12. I have not read either books (if only I had more time in the last holiday *sigh*), so I’m going to go in limb here and suggest something according to goodreads summary of the book… I would like to see more about the main characters struggle with her disease and life, maybe also her parents struggling (they seem overprotective to me). Great Giveaway 🙂

  13. Thank you, Katie, for inviting me to your blog – and thanks to the readers for the ideas! 🙂 I’m glad to hear you are interested in the Delaney-Asher showdown…never know what might become of that.

  14. I don’t know if I’d liked that. I mean I really REALLY hate Asher, and I haven’t got a chance to read about Delaney yet, but if she’s anywhere as evil as Asher then I want to kick her in a soft place.

    But I don’t know, because Holly’s writing is marvelous!

  15. Didn’t catch that at all! I think I was so into Don’t Breathe a Word I didn’t even notice her!

    Asher was totally creepy, so yeah I’d love to see a book about the two of them. But with someone to root for 🙂

    Lovely intervew 🙂