Blogging can be one of two things: a solitary endeavor or a community project. Most bloggers run their own site and they do everything on their own. That is how my blog is run. I make all final decisions about what gets posted on this site. I like to think though that this blog is a community project. I post memes that other bloggers create, I get ideas from friends on Twitter about what to post/read, I get guest posts from friends and authors that I have almost nothing to do with.
The problem though is how to interact outside of these things. I know I can’t possibly comment on every blog out there, have every author guest post on the blog, post every meme that was ever created, or read/review everything that people suggest to me. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to though. =)
One of my new year’s resolutions for 2012 was to interact more with other bloggers. Blogging can be a very lonely thing if you don’t interact with others. If you don’t get comments/views it starts to feel like nobody cares what you have to say. When you put as much work into blogging as all of us do, you never want to feel that way. This year I want to make sure that the rest of the book blogging community knows how much I love what they are doing and I would love some new ideas about how to do that.
Personally, comments drive my blog. When I get an email saying someone has commented on my latest review/IMM/WoW I get this giant smile on my face. It is a little thing that takes very little time but it shows that someone took the time to read my post and they liked it (or maybe hated it). It is just one little thing that shows that people really are reading what I write here.
Another thing that keeps me going is author comments, whether they be on the blog, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, or email. I love it when an author thanks me for taking the time to read and review their book. It is a little thing that shows how much they appreciate what I do. It goes a long way.
So what about you guys? What is the thing that makes you get that huge grin on your face? What do you consider the best way to show your appreciation for the work bloggers put into their blogs?
Anytime I see a little ‘comment awaiting moderation’ notice, I get so excited. What post did they comment on? Is it insightful and carefully done? Is it one of our regular readers? I always look forward to comments. Unfortunately, I’m not good at commenting on other people’s blogs. I’m working on it but…it’s not great. I just never know what to say! Instead I try to promote their blogs on twitter when I can and talk to them.
As for authors? Any interaction with authors is fun for me, but especially once we start becoming closer friends. Being friends with my heroes is…surreal. I’ll take whatever notice they want to give.
Comments are my favorite way of getting feedback, simply because it shows you cared enough about what I wrote to take that minute to write something. I always try to comment on the blogs I read, but often find myself skipping reviews of books that I don’t think look interesting, and interviews with authors I’ve never heard of.
I also love Twitter conversations, because that’s where I feel like I really get to know the people behind the blogs. And I’ll be the first to admit I’m much more likely to read a blog if I have talked to the owner, because as long as you are nice/funny/interesting/whatever, that matters more to me than a huge blog following, perfect posts or any of the actual blog related stuff..:)
Commenting and Twitter!! Seriously the best ever!! 🙂
I love comments. And I’m a MAJOR book pusher on Twitter. Hearing that someone is going to be reading a favorite book/author because of something I said makes me happier than almost anything (having the author tell me they appreciate me is better 🙂 )
But I agree, that comments really are what motivate me to keep going. I’ll be the first to admit that while I don’t care about specific stats & numbers, I do care that people are reading and commenting. If I was just writing reviews for myself and didn’t care if others saw them, I’d still only be posting reviews on Goodreads. 🙂
I definitely agree with you about the commenting on the blog. I always get a huge grin on my face when people comment. I also like to add interactions through twitter. Sometimes some bloggers are very cliquey and its hard getting to know a blogger you might like and always visit her/his blog without appearing stalkerish or just weird.
Blogging is about getting to know new people, and yes commenting is great, but making blogger friends is always nice. I’ve made very few, but maybe its because i’m new to blogging, but the few I’ve made are pretty amazing 😀
– juhina
Commenting and Twitter! yep yep yep
i always grin ^_^
Comments always brighten my day! I mean, like you say, it shows someone took the time and effort to read what you had to say and cared enought to respond to it. I also love interacting with other bloggers on Twitter, I’ve gotten to know some other bloggers that way and I love to share not only my love of books but also food, sparkly shirts and shoes with them 🙂
Comments definitely make you smile! I try and interact by going onto the blogs of the people who have commented on mine and looking and commenting on their stuff, I’ve made a few friends that way! And twitter…I still don’t know how to use it, but God bless Twitter!!!
I’m kind of new to all this. I started back in June and around October. Kind of began to stop because it felt like no one really cared what I had to say and I was having a hard time fitting in and establishing myself. I decided to give it another try and spend a good chunk of December revamping.
I have gotten a comment from an author thanking me, and one thanking me on Twitter and it does help a lot. I’ve been tryIng to interact with other bloggers so I can get my blog out there and make friends. I’m hoping if I push myself and stick to it, eventually I will get more comments and stuff and it will be easier to stay motivated to continue.
Comments and Twitter are my favorite ways to interact with other bloggers and authors.
Great post! I’m not very active on Twitter, but do try to comment on other blogs. Have set a goal for myself of a minimum of 10 comments every day, as I know how happy it makes me when others comment on my posts! And I also like to use the “like” button for google plus, or share the post on Twitter if it’s really good. Like to spread the blogger love! 🙂
I’m the same way! I squeek everytime I see an author comment. then I do a dance. I probably look really silly. 😛
Great post! I also love getting comments – it makes my day. I try to comment as much as I can (and striving for more this year). I stalk endlessly on twitter, even though most of the time I don’t talk to people on twitter (I’m working on changing this).
I really like Twitter, I don’t leave comments a much as I’d like too, but I stalk twitter endlessly so I try to interact with people more via that. I think we all wish we could visit every blog out there, but there’s just not enough hours in the day!
The Cait Files
It’s the same for me: Comments 🙂 Especially when I schedule a post and haven’t tweeted about it but people go and read it anyway, it tells me that those people actually care 😀
I love comments too! I love when people say that my review has made them consider picking up a book, but it’s even better when I get those rare comments that can spark a discussion! Great post =)
Comments! I use to be good with commenting and getting comments back. Then I took an 8 month leave (not really on purpose, damn you Disney!) and now it feels like I’m starting over again. My stats are good but I get zero comments. Kinda strange!
I’m trying to be better at commenting and conversing on Twitter this year too.
I’m exactly the same as you when it comes to comments and therefore I feel commenting on a post is the best way to show appreciation for their work as well! Since I started using my feed reader I’m way better at commenting and even if I might not be able to comment on EVERYONE the same day, I manage a few at different times at least. If I like someone’s blog, I also tell them in comments or on twitter. Same with following/subscribing since I know I always love hearing people like what I do! Well, as long as it’s not just a “stop by me and follow back thing”.
So basically I do what puts a smile on my face as well! 🙂 For other interactions I love e-mail and twitter, but e-mail is mostly for people I’ve talked to more before, so it doesn’t feel stalkerish. 😉 Lol!
Love the post, btw! And am a new follower! 🙂 I really like what I’ve seen of your blog so far!
I love getting comments so I always feel bad when life gets me too busy to sit down and comment on posts for blogs I follow. That’s one of the things I want to work on more in 2012.
Like you, my personal favorite form of interaction is when someone leaves a comment on my blog posts. I don’t get a lot of comments, but every single one I do, I definitely appreciate! It always manages to put a little smile on my face.
Talking to my bookish friends via Twitter is also a wonderful experience! I’ve met great people on there, some of whom I’d now consider friends. And it’s so cool that bloggers that inspire me and authors I love reply to me sometimes too!
Hey!! A great topic to spend time on. Blogging takes a lot of work and dedication and when someone responds it is like the best thing in the world.
I always enjoy it when someone tells me that have read a book that I have recommended it makes it seem that what I do matters.
Great post! I started my blog early last year but I kind of stopped until last month so I’ve been totally out of the blogosphere!
I love getting comments and I grin like a dork whenever I do. I especially love when people say they’re gonna read a book that they hadn’t heard of because of one of my reviews. It’s great knowing people care what you have to say!
The best way, to me, to interact with blogger is Twitter. In fact, I think it’s the best way to interact with EVERYONE! I’ve made so many amazing Twitter friendships that have turned into IRL friendships or text friendship. For those who are a little less personal, I think a wonderful way of interacting with other bloggers is just to leave comments on others’ posts. Lots of bloggers reciprocate comments, so it’s a really successful way of not only getting your blog out there, but establishing acquaintances with other bloggers :O)
It’s really cool when an author thanks me on a twitter for reviewing his/her book. I like it when commenters leave a link to their blog/website so that I can see what they are up to. I also like to connect with bloggers on twitter.
I’m fairly new to blogging … I started mine about 2 years ago, but had huge periods of no reading, no posting, and I really didn’t know what to do to make my blog how I wanted it. Now, this past October, I started it back up again and by using Twitter, participating in memes, commenting and following other peoples’ blogs, I’m really enjoying it! I hope to make some friendships by doing all of this … so, we’ll see. 🙂
I try and interact with bloggers through twitter and blog post comments. But it seems harder sometimes to catch people on twitter. So comments are a better bet for me. I love getting comments and tweets and I try my hardest to reply to them all.
I’m trying really hard this year to get over my shyness and talk with other bloggers more, sometimes it just feels hard to break into an already established group.
Michelle, I do know how terrifying it is to try and break into an already established group but you just have to do it. I am sure anyone would love to chat with you. =)
Comments! I definitely adore comments. It makes me feel like what I have to say actually means something to someone other than myself, and someone out there appreciates the work I put into my blog.
I also love it when an author comes across a review of their book and gets in touch with me about it. I just had that happen, and I’m STILL glowing from it!
I’m trying to be better at getting out and around to more blogs this year as well. I want to show other bloggers that their hard work is making a difference.
(and I do agree with Michelle’s comment about the established group: I’m not one of the “big” bloggers, and I sometimes feel very intimidated about interacting with them, as if somehow, my opinions and reviews aren’t worth as much because I don’t have as big a following. Trying to get over that.)
Ems, I know what you mean about the established group thing. It is kind of scary to try and break into the established group of bloggers. And your reviews and opinions matter just as much as “big” bloggers! Don’t ever think otherwise. I am trying to get over that too!
Comments are it aren’t they?! It shows validation to what we’re doing. It doesn’t matter if you have a ton of followers or just a few, if they are commenting that’s what you’re striving for. A small community on your blog. Where we can talk books! Comments are it baby!!
Great post, I love discussion posts!
I’m with you, I love comments! I also love the emails that alert me to new followers!
And those nice special Tweets I get that usually tell me how much someone likes my blog theme! 🙂 I get at least once a month if not more. 🙂
I love commenting on bloggers blogs and I love receiving comments too! It’s one of those things that encourages bloggers to keep on doing the awesome things they do!
I love interacting with bloggers on Twitter of my blog’s FB page. But like you, I love comments. Well, the non-mean, troll-y ones. But 99% of the people that leave comments are awesome.
I used to try and respond to each comment and now feel guilty when I don’t. Who knew blogging took up so much time?
I’m sorry for not commenting on your blog posts enough. I stalk them frequently. I especially love your discussion posts and reviews.
I love interacting with other bloggers, I don’t comment enough. Mainly because my reader got out of hand which happens!
Comments make my day. Today I saw the 1 comment awaiting moderation and I did get excited because I hardly ever get comments. Lately it’s been making me sad; does nobody care what I have to say?
It’s funny how one comment can change my day.
I follow a lot of blogs in Google Reader and comment on their posts when they pop up, and I like interacting with bloggers on Twitter and their facebook page, and even Goodreads. I’m on Goodreads a lot and comment a lot over there, too. I like being able to “like” reviews.
When I get even one comment on a post, I am so happy! Someone actually read my post! Even though I’ve been blogging for over a year now, it is still such a great feeling. Great post 🙂
Nice post. I just wanna say I read your blog and though I comment to let you know I care. Thanks for posting.
I also love receiving comments! It makes me so happy that someone is actually reading what I have to say. This year I also want to try and comment more on blogs, I was slacking at that the end of the year but I will definitely try and comment more. Fantastic post! 🙂
Hello Katie!
I’m fairly new in the blogosphere, so my blog is still widely unknown… apart from being more or less constantly under construction or rather in transformation.
Despite all, some of my posts were aready commented, even praised. It was such a huge delight to find the first comment from someone who wasn’t a friend! Comments keep being rare on my blog and I go into raptures when I see that there is one awaiting moderation.
I can relate to what you said about visiting other blogs and commenting there – it’s really difficult to find the time for it 🙁
Hello Katie..
Thanks for letting other bloggers know that you care for us.. I just started my book blog, and yeah it kind of feels lonely if there is no interaction with other bloggers. Well.. It’s been just 2 months of blogging,I think I should wait a little longer.. Above all I love reading and blogging.
It’s awesome you like reader comments!! At least I know I’m not annoying you with all my commenting each day.
Author comments are the best, even if it’s a thank you. And sometimes it’s even more than that, like they take part in the discussion. Many people authors shouldn’t do that, interact after reviews, but I think if it’s all done respectfully on all parts then it’s awesome! 🙂
I love it when someone leaves a comment under one of my blog posts. Sadly nobody is really commenting on my blog. I think a blog is a place where the author can give a statement or something like that and the readers are able to discuss the article.
Thanks for these tips!