Blogger Interview: The Dancing Reader!

Today I have a new blogger for you guys to meet: The Dancing Reader!  She has only been blogging for a little while but I love chatting with her on Twitter and she has great taste in books!

What are you like outside of blogging?

Outside of blogging, I’m a generally quiet person, and I’m fun when I’m around people that I’m comfortable with. I love meeting new people though. I’m also a dancer, which is something that I love as much as reading.

What book changed your life?

I don’t think I’ve ever read a book that has changed my life, I’m still waiting for it. No book has really changed my perspective on how I see the world, really.

What made you decide to start your blog?

One of my old friend’s moms blogged about her personal life, and I thought that was pretty cool. I decided to start my own personal blog, and somehow, it merged into a book blog. When I found out about the real book blogging community, I started over with a fresh new blog for book reviews.

What blogs/bloggers inspire you?

As mentioned in my About page on my blog, several blogs /bloggers inspire me. I have been following all of these blogs by email for quite some time now.

1. Obviously, Katie’s Book Blog. Her blog is just amazing, her reviews are completely honest and well written. I know I can rely on her reviews when I’m thinking about reading a book. Whenever I get a new update from her blog in my inbox, I’m always eager to check out what it is. Katie is a hard-working blogger and I can’t wait to continue following for many years to come.

2. Lauren @ Lauren’s Crammed Bookshelf: Lauren is an awesome blogger. She recommends me books, and her reviews are very informative, which I love. If I have any questions, I can always depend on Lauren!

3. Grace @ Wordslikesilver: Before I ramble about her fantastic blog, can I just say, Grace’s reviews are so thoroughly written that it forces me to take more time to write each review. I don’t know how she has so much patience to write such a long, yet honest and worth-reading review. Aside from that, Grace is also a dancer, like me. And she reads. Super. Fast. Lastly, she’s my best blogger friend. J

4. Melina @ Reading Vacation and H.D. @ Reading Writing Breathing: These two. Do I even need to say? They are one of the youngest bloggers out there, and yet they are so mature and I look up to them. I really do. Their posts are fun to read and I am always intrigued. When I have questions, I always go to them for help. Awesome, awesome bloggers.

Those are just SOME of the bloggers whom inspire me 😛

What are your goals for your blog in the future?

My goals for my blog in the future: well, being a new blogger, I would just like to get my blog out there. Right now, it’s still a tiny blog, and I just want people to know about it, and enjoy my posts.

Do you love or hate your mailman?

I actually have never met my mailman before. =P I’m not allowed to receive or ship anything out, so I’m afraid I will never have a decided opinion on my mailman!


-Book of all time:  I can’t decide on one! But I can narrow it down to 3 books. I recently read The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. While I didn’t completely understand it, it’s still definitely one of my favorites, a genre I have never experienced before. Another favorite has got to be Divergent and Anna and the French Kiss. No words. Just go read them if you haven’t already.

-New release: I actually am quite behind on new releases, but they new-ish ones that I REALLY liked are The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin and Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick.

-Genre: My favorite genre would HAVE to be romance. If there is no romance, there is a HIGH possibility I won’t like the book. There has to be some type of romance in every book I read.

-Place to Read: I like reading on my comfy armchair (which I usually fall asleep on while reading) or my bed. =)

-TV show: Dance Academy. No doubt. Shoutout to Grace @ Wordslikesilver for recommending it to me. Us crazy dancers and our obsessions. And Pretty Little Liars. Gah, SO intense.

-Candy: Do Lindor truffles count?

-Drink: Mango Pineapple Smoothies from McDonald’s!

So there you have it, guys!  Check out her blog at The Dancing Reader and on Twitter!

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  1. I’m like her, really shy unless I know people!

    It’s awesome you’re featuring a new blogger. Maybe it would be cool to start up the series again and only feature new bloggers? As a way of getting them publicity? If you want 🙂

    It’s awesome she got the idea to blog from a friend’s mom!

    Lovely interview 🙂