Bloggers: Made Of Awesome!

Lately I have read a lot of posts and tweets about bloggers.  Most of the stuff I have read has been negative.  I could understand if people were talking about a specific blogger who has proven to be a bad blogger (bad behavior online,not reviewing,etc.) but these people have decided that it is okay to lump bloggers into one big group.  That is not okay with me.

I know for a fact that I have never pushed, shoved, pinched, bitten, pulled hair, or anything of that manner at a conference and it really does bother me to be put in a group with people who have done that.  I consider myself a very professional person, both online and in person.  I would never want someone to think otherwise just because they read a post saying that all bloggers were rude and grabby.  Everyone deserves to be judged based on their own actions, not those of others.

So what I really want to talk about today is the good things about bloggers.  Once again, we can’t all be lumped into a group but these good things are based on the bloggers that I have come into contact with over the past three years (and even before then!)

First, my favorite thing about bloggers: their kind words and encouragement!  This actually goes back to my last discussion post about showing appreciation for bloggers.  Comments here on my blog and on Twitter honestly make blogging worth it to me.  When I am having a bad day and consider giving up blogging all I have to do is look at the comments on my blog and I totally change my mind.  Honestly, if it weren’t for other bloggers I would not have the confidence I do today.  My blogger friends are always there to encourage me to go for something that may be totally out of my comfort zone.  Some of these suggestions have helped shape me to be the person I am today.  =)

Second: their generosity!  Bloggers do not have to giveaway books, gift cards, kindles, etc.  That is their choice!  I know that in my case, most of the books that I giveaway are from my own personal library and that shipping money comes out of my paycheck.  I’m sure it is the same with most other bloggers.  Bloggers may get “free” books from the publishers but they definitely know how to share. Speaking of sharing, BLOG TOURS/ARC TOURS.  A lot of the time those books are donated by other bloggers just so they can share them.

Third: their love of books!  In real life I know very few people who love books as much as I do.  Online, I know hundreds (that I talk to.)  I can watch an IMM vlog and see how excited a blogger is about a book.  They didn’t just request it to have it collect dust on their bookshelf.  I also love to see that in a review.  It doesn’t come across quite like a video but you can really see the love when you read a thought out, well-written review. Bloggers don’t just start their blogs for the heck of it, they start them because they love books and they want an outlet to share that love.

Honestly, I could go on for days about how much I love bloggers and how wonderful they are.  My life would not be as awesome as it is without my blog and my blogger friends.  I hate to see those friends being hurt by nasty comments and rude blog posts (and yes, I am hurt by it too.)  I know this may not do anything to change what people think but at least now it is out there!

So here is my suggestion for the day: go comment on a favorite blog of yours (or Twitter) and let the blogger know how awesome you think they are!  You’d be amazed what one comment like that can do!

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  1. A lovely blog and a lovely idea.

    I’m a new kid on the blogging block, but the more experienced hands who have been in touch with me have been encouraging and open with their suggestions.

    For that, I’ll be grateful.

  2. Way to go, Katie! 🙂 The negative things being said about bloggers are pretty offensive sometimes, and people can be really nasty. I hope they can all read this post and realize not all bloggers are grabby or greedy. Well written and to the point. Awesome post! 🙂

  3. Bravo! What a great post. I don’t like getting lumped into the same group as the ‘bad bloggers’ either. I’d much rather get lumped into the good group!

    Thank you!

  4. I don’t really know anyone outside of the blogging community who shares my total love of books so it’s always nice to go on Twitter/Formspring/Youtube and have a look at what’s going on in the bookish community, so it really gets me down when there’s tonnes of negativity going round about bloggers in general. It gives a bad reputation to some awesome people when really its only a couple of people.
    Great post, well said! 😀

  5. I would be lost if I hadn’t met all of your wonderful blogging people. TO have people so enthusiastic about books that I can talk with, makes me day! Your blog is one of the ones I looked at when I started thinking about starting up myself, and your passion hooked me !

  6. This is such a great post! Personally, I haven’t had anyone in the blogging community, be anything but wonderful to me. I’m always amazed at how helpful and generous everyone is. It’s so nice to have people who you can book obsess with :0)

  7. A nice comment really can make someone’s day, I know that. Bloggers really can be wonderful. It’s not fair to ever lump any group of people together. With anything, you get the good and the bad.


  8. I wonder how much of that negativity is sour grapes, either from other bloggers who are jealous of the books other bloggers are receiving, or somehow trying to build their own reputations by putting down others. Either reason needs to be squashed like a bug because personally, I think book bloggers are awesome.


  9. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to post negative commentary about book bloggers. It’s such a wonderful and supportive community, much as I’ve found the writing community to be. Hugs to all of you bloggers who work so hard to share good reads with those of us who don’t have time to discover them on our own!

  10. Generalizing never works well, it’s not fair and not right and really doesn’t solve anything.

    I can’t believe people do that at conferences, but I get why you are so upset.

    Thoughtful post 🙂