January Wrap-Up + February TBR Pile!

January was a fabulous reading month for me!  I read:

-Uglies: Shay’s Story by Scott Westerfeld
-Fever (Chemical Garden #2) by Lauren DeStefano
-Everneath by Brodi Ashton (favorite!)
-The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe
-Ditched: A Love Story by Robin Mellom
-The Catastrophic History Of You & Me by Jess Rothenberg
-Paper Towns by John Green
-Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler (favorite!)
-Masque Of The Red Death by Bethany Griffin
-My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick (favorite!)
-Unclaimed Heart by Kim Wilkins (least favorite)
-Revived by Cat Patrick
-A Want So Wicked by Suzanne Young (favorite!)
-Purity by Jackson Pearce
-In Honor by Jessi Kirby
-Waiting by Carol Lynch Williams
-The Queen Of Kentucky by Alecia Whitaker

Here is what I plan to read in February!

-Born Wicked (Cahill Witch Chronicles #1) by Jessica Spotswood
-Dead To You by Lisa McMann
-The Disenchantments by Nina LaCour
-Trafficked by Kim Purcell
-Partials by Dan Wells
-When The Sea Is Rising Red by Cat Hellisen
-Harbinger by Sara Wilson Etienne
-Fire by Kristin Cashore
-Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty
-Perception (Clarity #2) by Kim Harrington
-Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday
-Once Every Never by Lesley Livingston
-This One Time With Julia by David Lampson
-Arcadia Awakens by Kai Meyer

What about you guys?  What are you planning to read this month? And what awesome books did you read in January?

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  1. I read:
    – Ash by Malinda Lo
    – Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
    – My Soul to Lose by Rachel Vincent
    – Dirty Little Secrets by C.J Omololu
    – The Mark by Jen Nadol
    – My Soul to Lose by Rachel Vincent
    – The Alchemy of Forever by Avery Williams

    I’m saving Bittersweet for around Valentine’s Day. I can’t wait! I also have Last Breath (Morgainville Vampire series) and The Gathering Storm in eBook form I have to read ASAP as they are on loan from my local library.

    Beginning blogging has jump started me back into reading. Last year I read something like 24 books 🙁 I’ve already read 8 and purchased 4 books (which I don’t often do). It makes me so happy!

  2. wow you read a ton of books in jan. i still need to read bittersweet. glad you really liked it. i am planning on reading partials this month, too. it’s been high on my list for awhile now and i just got a copy. happy reading!

  3. Happy reading! I’ll be reading When the Sea is Rising Red after I diminish the large-ish TBR pile I’ve got going on. Intrigued by Born Wicked, but I need to check out some reviews on that one before I take the plunge.

  4. You read some amazing authors who went on to write wonderful new books – Sarah Ockler, John Green, Suzanne Young!