A Touch Morbid (A Touch Trilogy #2) by Leah Clifford

book cover of A Touch Morbid by Leah Clifford

Title: A Touch Morbid (A Touch Trilogy #2)
Author: Leah Clifford
Release date: February 28, 2012
Publisher: Greenwillow
Pages: 299
Source: Publisher

Eden won the battle-she saved her true love from the darkest evil. But the war has only just begun. With secrets swirling around her, powerful allies unraveling, and life-and death-as she knows it eroding, Eden and those she loves tread dangerous ground. Can she trust anyone? Will her unearthly powers be her salvation or her downfall? A sweeping, dark, and sexy paranormal romance that will haunt readers with an inventive mythology and a cinematic New York City filled with shadows and longing.

SPOILER ALERT:  If you have not read A Touch Mortal, do not read this review!

A Touch Morbid was all that I hoped for and more.  I was pleased with A Touch Mortal but I was left wanting a little more.  That was so not the case with this one.  I loved everything about it (except that it ended!)

All of the characters have really changed since the end of A Touch Mortal.  Eden is stronger but she is also having some troubles that she is unwilling to share with the others.  She still hasn’t quite learned how to trust people and be open with them but she is better.  Az is his usual self but he struggles without Gabe and he doesn’t like to tell Eden everything.  I loved Jarrod!  He was so nice and sweet and vulnerable at times.  I also liked seeing the other side of Kristen and more about Luke but I don’t want to give anything away so I will shut up about those two.  Let’s just say that they both start to grow on you in this book.

The plot was absolutely fabulous!  It was so fast-paced.  I had the hardest time not reading this one straight through.  There was so much going on and I just wanted to know how everything fit together in the end.  Also, with this one the chapters switched points-of-view between Jarrod, Eden, Gabe, and Kristen which only made the book better.  I felt like I got to know them a lot more this way.

Overall, A Touch Morbid is all that I could have hoped for and so much more.  Fans of A Touch Mortal will absolutely adore it.  (And if you are like me and didn’t love A Touch Mortal, I think you will find this one very enjoyable!)

Looking for more reviews of A Touch Morbid?
I Devour Books’ Review
Reading Angel’s Review

A Touch Mortal (A Touch Trilogy #1)
A Touch Morbid (A Touch Trilogy #2)
Untitled (A Touch Trilogy #3) – 2013

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  1. i really enjoyed A Touch Mortal and can’t wait to get this one! I’m glad you enjoyed it and your review has made waiting for it just that much harder! lol

  2. I just want to say I finally got a chance to use that site you gave me on formspring for how to create a button code and my button is finally on my blog! Thank you so much!

    Now for you review! I love your enthusiastic tone. Hopefully the ending of the next book will be better.

  3. Haven’t read this series but I like that it’s fast-paced!!

    The characters seem well developed and it’s awesome the many POV characters worked!

    Lovely review and you got me into the series now 🙂