Blogger Interview: Michelle from The Passionate Bookworm!

Today I have an interview with the lovely Michelle from The Passionate Bookworm!  I love chatting with this girl on Twitter!

What are you like outside of blogging?

I’m a dork! I dance around singing to the music inside my head. Blast the Once more with feeling ( Buffy musical episode ) soundtrack in my car and know every word. I’m a bit quiet in person until you get to know me.. and then you may regret that you did! I spend time outside of work reading, coming up with ideas for art projects, and watching too many T.V shows with my boyfriend 🙂

What book changed your life?

It may seem odd to many, but I would say Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean Auel. My Grammy gave it to me to read. And at first I was just .. in shock. Some of the scenes are quite graphic. But I really got into the story and fell in love with the series! Having my grandmother give me a book like that made me feel like she believed I could handle it, that she saw me as an adult. 🙂

What made you decide to start your blog?

If you have gotten to chat with me at all more than likely I have mentioned that I used to work at Borders. It was my dream job and I LOVED it. Then I found out we were closing.. it broke my heart. I wasn’t able to borrow books from the store anymore, so I ventured to the library and picked up a stack from the YA section. I didn’t have customers to recommend to any more and it was killing me! So I started posting about the books I read on my facebook page. A former co-worker of mine commented that I was great at recommending and reviewing and sent me over to look at her blog Book Hog. At first I was chicken.. I thought I wouldn’t be able to understand how it all worked. But then I bit the bullet and set up a blogger account! It took me awhile to gain my footing. Now I can’t see myself without my blog 🙂

What blogs/bloggers inspire you?

Anyone who takes personal time to set up a book blog and share their feelings about books is awesome to me! Other bloggers ( big and small ) inspire me to keep going on. But the 2 that really made me stop and say WOW when I first started was.. of course. Katie 🙂 Here at Katie’s Book blog, and Anna over at Literary Exploration!

What are your goals for your blog in the future?

I want it to be HUGE !!!

Ok, not really. Though it would be nice 😉 In reality my goals are simply to be consistent. I want people to feel like they can trust me to keep them up to date on awesome new and old YA books!

What is your best book blogging moment?

Easily the first time that someone told me they went and bought a book solely based on my review, then came back and told me how much they loved it!


-Book of all time: The Giver by Lois Lowry

-New release: Cinder By Marissa Meyer

-Genre: YA Science fiction and Fantasy!

-Place to Read: Curled up in bed with far too many pillows.

-TV show: Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I have rewatched the ENTIRE show probably 10 times.

-Candy: Chocolate!

-Drink: Virgin Strawberry Daiquiris!

You guys can find Michelle over at The Passionate Bookworm or on Twitter!

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  1. Absolute love Jean M. Auel’s books. I didn’t pick them up on my own either. The teacher I was TAing for in eighth grade, who I adored, told me to go grab it on a slow day in the classroom and I just devoured Clan of the Cave Bear. I have the whole series now, felt like forever for the last one, that I’m dying to read this summer. :]

  2. I know exactly what you mean about being quiet around people until they get to know you. I just did that tonight, actually! Husband and I went to a new Bible study group and I barely said a word, but as soon as we left I had so much energy I was dancing down the sidewalk. Husband just rolled his eyes at me 😛

  3. I’m the same way! The first few times you see me I’m super quiet, but as soon as I’m use to you good luck shutting me up. I’m a huge dork too, and an eclectic one at that.
    Your blog is awesome, I don’t think you’ll have too much trouble getting a huge following. 🙂

  4. It’s so sweet that it’s Michelle’s grandma who gave her a life-changing book 🙂

    Lovely interview 🙂