Blogger Interview: Vy from Vy’s Blog

Today I have an interview with Vy from Vy’s Blog.  I adore Vy and if you haven’t already checked out her blog you need to!

What are you like outside of blogging?

I’m constantly stressed out and taking on more responsibilities that I have time for. I’m still a student so I spend a large portion of my time studying. Also, my parents just bought a coffee shop so I’ve been learning to be a good barista. 😀

What book changed your life?

I’m still waiting on that book that will change my life, but one that made the biggest impact was The Hunger Games. It made me start thinking that there is more in the world than just stories with forced happy endings and girls can be strong in any circumstance.

What made you decide to start your blog?

I’m surrounded by friends who don’t like to read! I needed an outlet to all of this book talk and at the time I was working for my school’s blog. I thought it’d be a good idea if I ran one myself.

What blogs/bloggers inspire you?

YOU! I looked up to your blog a lot when I started blogging as well as many other blog and bloggers. Some include:

The Reader Bee

I Eat Words


IB Book Blogging

365 Days of Reading

What are your goals for your blog in the future?

My first goal is to be more present and make it a bit more personal. I love getting to know the blogger outside of books and blogging.

What is your best book blogging moment?

The best moments so far are meeting the bloggers and authors in real life! The book blogging community is very close and everyone is so kind that it’s exciting to meet them at events.


-Book of all time –This may be the toughest question! I’m going to go with my recent favorite and say Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers.

-New release – The Last Echo by Kimberly Derting

-Genre – High Fantasy!

-Place to Read – At my kitchen counter where all the food is.

-TV show – The Vampire Diaries + Legend of Korra

-Candy – Sour Patch Kids

-Drink – Coconut Juice

You can find Vy on Twitter and over at Vy’s Blog!

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  1. Your life could totally be a YA book! I mean, your parents bought a coffee shop? That’s definitely something I’d read :] “At the kitchen counter where all the food is” I think we’re secretly twins or something 😛 The Legend of Korra is a fantastic show and Sour Patch Kids are the bomb. I approve of both ;]

  2. The Hunger Games was pretty life-changing! It kind of got me into dystopian and after reading the first book I remember just being COMPLETELY BLOW AWAY! I understand the stress of a student’s life. I have exams next week and ehhhh procrastination!

    Great interview Katie!

  3. It must be so much fun to work in a coffee shop that your family owns because you can keep making things better, you have a vested interest in it. Reminds me of Lisa McMann’s Visions series with the siblings working the pizza place 🙂

    Lovely interview 🙂