Book Haul! (153)

Book Haul is a weekly feature here on Katie’s Book Blog.  It is not something I created and I take no credit for it.  Anyone who wants to participate can and you don’t necessarily have to call it a book haul. It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades.

Torn (Trylle #2) by Amanda Hocking

For review:
Shadows (Ashes #2) by Ilsa J. Bick
Dust Girl (American Fairy Trilogy #1) by Sarah Zettel
Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown
The Enchantress (Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #6) by Michael Scott
Darkness Before Dawn (Darkness Before Dawn #1) by J.A. London
Stunning (Pretty Little Liars #11) by Sara Shepard
The Other Normals by Ned Vizzini
Hidden (Firelight #3) by Sophie Jordan
Glass Heart (Cold Kiss #2) by Amy Garvey
Ten by Gretchen McNeil
-A Fractured Light (A Beautiful Dark #2) by Jocelyn Davies
Fang Girl by Helen Keeble
The Turning by Francine Prose
Sweet Shadows (Medusa Girls #2) by Tera Lynn Childs
The Crown Of Embers (Girl Of Fire & Thorns #2) by Rae Carson
What’s Left Of Me (The Hybrid Chronicles #1) by Kat Zhang
The Dead Girls Detective Agency by Suzy Cox
Never Enough by Denise Jaden

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  1. SOOOOOO many awesome books from Harper this week! You’ve got plenty of reading ahead of you 🙂 Looking forward to your review of Fang Girl, What’s Left of Me, The Dead Girls Detective Agency and Lies Beneath!

    Happy Reading 🙂


    GAHHHH and Shadows? Oh man so jealous. I am dying to read that! I was lucky enough to get a chance to read Never Enough awhile ago and I LOVED it! I hope you do too. Enjoy all your other books!

    Julia @ That Hapa Chick

  3. WOW! a TON of to pine for books from harper. I CANT WAIT for the crown of embers!!! and Ten!! AWESOME book haul!!
    and I’m gonna check out those books by the british authors, they sound really interesting!

    – juhina

  4. Never Enough is an amazing book – I loved it so much! I can’t wait for The Dead Girls Detective Agency, Ten, and What’s Left of Me. And I’m doing exactly the same thing as you with the Pretty Little Liars books :p Hope you love all your new books 🙂

  5. Oh my goodness… I have no idea how you find the time to read all your review books! What a great haul this week! Enjoy

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading!
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  6. Fantastic book haul this week Katie! Looks like you’ll have your hands full with all those books :)I am super excited to read Hidden, Glass Heart and Medusa Girls! I hope you enjoy all the fabulous books!

  7. Ooo, I love The Tryle Trilogy by Amanda Hocking, you should definitely give it a try!
    Darkness Before Dawn is quite popular this week, I’m intrigued, can’t wait!
    Fang Girl looks to be hilarious! – How do you turn a goldfish? lol! The cover is awesome too, I am definitely going to have to get that too!
    Great stack this week, happy reading 🙂

  8. Gahh so many amazing sequels! Most of them I still need to read the first book. I thought Darkness Before Dawn was pretty good too, and I got What’s Left of Me last week! Happy reading!
    My STS

  9. Hey Katie great book haul this week..So sad that I won’t be able to see what you recieve for a whole month but I hope you have an amazing vacation. The Enchantress by: Michael Scott is amazing book and I loved the other series as well.

  10. OMG You’ve got Hidden!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw, so so good!! Can’t wait for this book to come out!! And see how Jacinda will figure things out! 🙂 😉

  11. I loved Ashes, I can’t wait to read Shadows, I NEED to know what happened after that cliff-hanger.
    I really liked Losing Faith, I was wondering when Denise Jaden was going to have another book out, will definitely be checking it out.
    Ten and The Turning both look really great too.
    Awesome haul. 🙂 Happy reading.

  12. haha, I love the zombie sticker! SO CUTE. and I am SO JEALOUS you have Shadows! I can’t wait to read it and hope I get a galley.

    enjoy all your other books! really excited to see what you think of them. 😀

    my book haul.

  13. Awesome haul is awesome! 🙂 I love having great books stacked up to read in the summer. I usually read a lot more when it’s summer and sun out 🙂

  14. You got so many great books! I was literally just talking about Glass Heart on the phone with my aunt, so I’m excited to see what you think of that one. 🙂

    Enjoy all your books!

  15. Wow that is a crazy stack of books you got there. I am with you on being a totally scardy cat when it comes to horror books so I tend to steer clear of them but I think it is funny that you want to live in a scary mansion. I will be adding some of the other books you got to my TBR list!!!

  16. Im reading Stunning #11 today and I’m sure I can wait and won’t go crazy for the release of the final book- Burned. Super awesome! We get to finish the PLL series this year! We also continue The Lying Game series too. YAY! 🙂

  17. The Goddess Test book was amazing and I’m reading the whole series. Just got #2 Goddess Interrupted!I recommend you read it.
    p.s. Sorry for that no space between the last sentences. My iPad sucks.