The Night She Disappeared by April Henry

book cover of The Night She Disappeared by April Henry

Title: The Night She Disappeared
Author: April Henry
Release date: March 13, 2012
Publisher: Henry Holt
Pages: 240
Source: ALA

Gabie drives a Mini Cooper. She also works part time as a delivery girl at Pete’s Pizza. One night, Kayla—another delivery girl—goes missing. To her horror, Gabie learns that the supposed kidnapper had asked if the girl in the Mini Cooper was working that night. Gabie can’t move beyond the fact that Kayla’s fate was really meant for her, and she becomes obsessed with finding Kayla. She teams up with Drew, who also works at Pete’s. Together, they set out to prove that Kayla isn’t dead—and to find her before she is.

The Night She Disappeared is a fast-paced mystery that will have readers on the edge of their seats.  April Henry takes readers into the mind of a psychopath and she had me hooked!  This book packs a punch.

Gabie was supposed to be working the night Kayla was kidnapped.  She knows that the guy really wanted her.  Before the kidnapping Gabie was a pretty carefree girl but she quickly changes.  She becomes an easily agitated, always on edge person.  She’s afraid of what might happen to her and she’s even more terrified of what might have happened to Kayla.  She freaks herself out more than anyone else and it can be a little frustrating.  She is kind of closed off and distant so it’s hard to get to know and like her but by the end I at least respected her.  She believed in herself no matter what and she was very brave.

The book also has a few other points-of-view: Drew’s, Kayla’s, and “John Robertson’s.”  Drew is the easiest of the characters to like and relate to.  He is down-to-earth, kind, and just an all around good guy.  Life has dealt him a crap hand but he manages to make the best out of his situation.  It’s very easy to sympathize with him and to want a happy ending for him. Kayla’s point-of-view was quite devastating.  Obviously she was kidnapped and she has no idea what might happen to her.  Through it all though she manages to hold on to her strength and bravery.  And lastly there was “John Robertson.”  His was definitely the most disturbing point-of-view.  April Henry did a fabulous job putting readers into the mind of a psychopath.  His story is 100% believable.

The plot was amazingly fast-paced.  The book is only 200 something pages but it honestly reads like it’s even less.  From the very first page it is non-stop suspense: wondering who took Kayla, if she will get out alive, if the person is going to come back for Gabie, etc.  There is also a pretty sweet romance that adds a touch of light heartedness to the book.  It’s the perfect mix of suspense, romance, and mystery.

Overall, The Night She Disappeared is a great book for mystery fans.  It’s a fast read that you won’t be able to put down.

Looking for more reviews of The Night She Disappeared?
YA Librarian Tales’ review
Red House Books’ review

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  1. This sounds great! I’ll have to check it out soon. I’m not one for mystery thriller type book, but I’ve been seeing more and more lately and it’s making me pretty eager to try them out.

    Thanks for the great review!

  2. Wow this sounds really great. I love mysteries and haven’t read one in a while, so I must add this to my TBR pile. Great review Katie 🙂

  3. Not sure if you knew this or not, but April Henry told me that this novel was based on a true life case. She worked at a pizzeria when she was in her teens where a girl was abducted. Like in the novel, someone had called to ask if a specific girl was out delivering that night.

  4. I received got a review copy of Girl, Stolen and I can’t wait to read it. I’ve also looking at investing in a copy of The Night SHe Disappeared – I love mysteries and judging by everyone’s reviews, Henry is a brilliant writer! 🙂

  5. This book has been on my radar for quite a while, and I cannot wait to read it. All the reviews I have read have been positive and it seems like a brilliant mystery.
    Nice review, glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

  6. Drew sounds great!!

    Love that it really does read like a thriller with such a fast pace 🙂

    Lovely review 🙂