Blogger Interview: Jana from The Book Goddess!

Today I have an interview with the awesome UK book blogger, Jana from The Book Goddess!

What are you like outside of blogging?

You mean aside from school, homework, high school drama and about a gazillion exams?? Umm, I love painting and graphic design (that’s something that I would love to do in the future), and spending time with my family is always great. I’m a fairly private person, and I do like spending time on my own.

What book changed your life?

Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick is definitely the book that made me discover and fall in love with YA. I have read the Twilight series beforehand, but it was Becca Fitzpatrick’s book that made me interested in reading again.

What made you decide to start your blog?

Not a particular reason, mostly just wanting to be part of this amazing YA community, and the fact that there’s hundreds of bloggers/readers that share the same passion for reading as I do. Not a lot of my friends read, so I decided to start my blog to interact with fellow readers, bloggers and authors

What blogs/bloggers inspire you?

Harmony from Harmony’s Radiant Reads, Lauren from 365 Days of Reading, Katie from Katie’s Book Blog and Katie from Sophistikatied are all amazing and fabulous bloggers! I am in love with each and every one of their blogs

What are your goals for your blog in the future?

To be involved in more blog tours, to interact with bloggers and authors a lot more, and to feature and write posts that are unique and special to me.

What is your best book blogging moment?

Whenever someone tells me that they love my blog or my blog design! I really appreciate every comment and emails that I get, especially since I spend way too much time on my blog (I know it’s bad, but I’m one of those people who get bored with their own blog design really quickly and so I’m planning on designing a new one soon!) Also, it always makes my day whenever I chat with an author on Goodreads or Twitter and I just can’t believe that I’m talking to a famous person lol


-Book of all time – Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead (I love this book so much! Especially since it was my mum that bought me the first book, and I so did NOT want to read about vampires again (thinking they were all the same blah blah blah), but decided to give it a try. I devoured and the first book in one night, and bought all of the books the next day. The Hunger Games (first book only) is second.

-New release – Can I cheat and say three? Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas and Something Like Normal by Trish Doller. All of them aren’t out yet, but when they’re on the shelves I would be BEGGING everyone to get themselves a copy – I already preordered mine!

-Genre – I do enjoy all genres, but I have to say it’s between paranormal romance and dystopian.

-Place to Read – Either in my bedroom or in the beach. Or anywhere that’s quiet and peaceful. I can’t read when there’s noise or people.

-TV show – I don’t watch a LOT of television, but one I watches every week is The Apprentice UK – I love those kind of tv programs.

Candy – Can I say every candy? 😛

Drink – I’m so boring that I love water. Or lemonade.

You guys can find Jana over at The Book Goddess or on Twitter!

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  1. not a lot of my friends read either! or if they do, they either don’t read the same books or not as much as i do… it’s frustrating when i want to go to events and I can’t find someone to go with!

    Oh my gosh, I LOVE VAMPIRE ACADEMY!! I will go and meet Richelle Mead on June 18!! Totally will ask her to sign Last Sacrifice and Bloodlines for me 😀

    Arianne Cruz

  2. It’s funny because I can’t read by the beach or the pool – it’s too bright and too noisy.

    Lovely interview 🙂