Serial Hottie by Kelly Oram

book cover of Serial Hottie by Kelly Oram

Title: Serial Hottie
Author: Kelly Oram
Release date: July 10, 2012
Publisher: Bluefields
Pages: 374
Source: Author

Ellie’s sweet sixteen is a summer of firsts. First car. First kiss. First boyfriend. First serial-killing stalker?

Hockey-obsessed tomboy Eleanor Westley has never been the object of a guy’s affection before. So when the hottest boy she’s ever seen moves in across the street and starts treating her like she’s the center of his universe, naturally she’s going to be a little skeptical. But everything starts to make sense when girls who look just like Ellie start dying all around the city. Obviously the new guy is the killer, and of course he only likes her because he wants to slice her into tiny pieces. Right?

The more Ellie gets to know Seth the more she’s convinced he’s a psychopathic killer. The problem is he’s the sweetest psychopathic killer she’s ever met. Not to mention he’s brutally hot. No matter how hard she tries, she can’t help but fall for him. Will Ellie find true love, or will her summer of firsts turn out to be a summer of lasts?

Kelly Oram’s debut novel, Being Jamie Baker, is one of my favorite books. When she approached me about reviewing her latest book, Serial Hottie, I jumped at the chance. While I did not love it as much as Being Jamie Baker, I was pleasantly surprised by it and greatly enjoyed it. This is one story you will not find in any other YA book out there and I loved that about it!

Ellie is not your typical girl. She loves to play hockey, she hates wearing girlie clothes, and all of her friends are boys (but they are so not boyfriend material in her eyes.) When super cute Seth moves in across the street she doesn’t really know how to handle her attraction to him but she doesn’t think she will have to worry about it. She’s pretty certain he will fall for her gorgeous older sister, Angela, just like every other guy. However, that is so not the case. Seth is just as attracted to Ellie as she is to him. Things would be great if it weren’t for the fact that Ellie is pretty certain Seth is a serial killer and she just might be his next victim.

Ellie was a total tomboy and her sister, Angela, was the complete opposite. However they were both supremely attracted to Seth and they both had similar stalking tendencies when it came to him. It doesn’t seem like it’s something that would bring the girls together but that’s exactly what it does. Ellie and Angela’s mutual stalking tendencies show them that they maybe aren’t so different after all and the relationship between them changes so much throughout the book. Serial Hottie seemed like it would just be a fun, fluffy read about a not so typical romance but it really had so much more to it than that. There was such a great relationship between the Westley family and the development of that relationship really added to the story.

The book wasn’t as light and fluffy as I thought it would be but it was still super hilarious! Ellie doesn’t seem like a girl that is easy to relate to until Seth enters the picture. I’m sure every girl out there knows all about how embarrassing it is to get caught staring at a super cute guy. I’m also sure that every girl out there knows how it feels to always seem to be making a fool of yourself in front of your crush. It’s so not fun! And it seems like every time she turns around this is what Ellie is doing with Seth. Their relationship has tons of ups and downs (I mean she does think he’s a killer. It can’t all be great.) but it’s those ups and downs that make it so funny and so true!

Now Seth really does have some serial killer tendencies. I won’t spoil the ending, don’t worry, but I was definitely left guessing until the very end. Seth managed to be sweet when he needed to be but so not sweet at other times. He has a thing for knives and throwing them, he knows self defense, and he works out so he is in really good shape. He also has a tendency to try and kidnap Ellie when she isn’t cooperating with him. He’s a bit bipolar but I have to admit that I still kind of liked him. He was definitely a very confusing character.

My biggest problem with Serial Hottie is that it was a little slower than I would have liked. Things didn’t really pick up for a while and there seemed to be a lot of unnecessary stuff thrown in to make the book longer when I really would have preferred it to be shorter. It didn’t happen often but there were a few times where I just wanted to skip ahead and get to the good stuff. However, I did make it past those parts eventually and it was an enjoyable read.

Overall, Serial Hottie is a great sophomore novel from Kelly Oram. I’m already very eager to read her next book!

Looking for more reviews of Serial Hottie?
Good Choice Reading’s review

Other books by Kelly Oram:
Being Jamie Baker

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  1. First of all, “First serial-killing stalker?” caught my attention immediately! The slowness of the novel could be a problem but I’m glad the characters were awesome enough to finish reading an all, especially that you couldn’t guess what was happening! Great review!

  2. I have no idea on what to expect of Serial Hottie. It seems cheesy, but then later seems actually quite interesting. I am definitely going to have to try this one.

  3. LOVE reading about tomboys! I think they’re so much fun and easy to relate to and totally unlike the usual characters. I loved Out of Play by Jolene Perry, where the girl’s a champion hockey player and she’s a tomboy.

    It sounds like a very unique book, especially since the sisters come closer because of a boy whereas usually a boy pulls them apart.

    Lovely review 🙂