My Latest Obsession: Owls

Katie’s Book Blog is very obviously a book review blog but that’s not all I want it to be anymore.  I love reading and reviewing books but I also love a lot of other things and I want to start sharing those things with you guys.  My Latest Obsession is a new post that I will be doing every now and then featuring something I’m obsessed with.  It could be anything from a song to a cartoon character, it all just depends on my mood.

This first post is about my latest obsession with owls!

Unless you live under a rock I’m pretty sure you might have seen some owl figurines, candles, stickers, etc. at any store you might frequent.  These days it’s almost impossible to go anywhere without seeing something with owls on it.  I haven’t counted them but I probably have about 10-15 owls around my room in one way, shape, or form.  They are completely adorable and I love them.

What’s your stand on the latest owl craze?  Do you love them, hate them, don’t care either way?

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  1. I am not a huge fan of owls, but only because penguins has been my bird of choice since I was a little kid. I actually collect all things penguins:P

  2. I loved when owl stuff starting popping up all over! I still get so excited when I find adorable owl items. I even got a tattoo of an owl a couple years back. 😉

  3. Good idea for a post-It will help us get to know you a little better.
    I think owls are cute as well. I don’t own any, but I especially like the necklaces!

  4. Great idea! Now I always associate owls with books for some reasons and I love them- I mean I love the cartoon version and teddies etc but real life one scare the hell out of me! I have an obsession for butterflies, followed by ladybirds, hence my blog banner hehe xx gorgeous items. I have a few owl related things and I have a cute necklace with one on :). X

  5. I have a friend who was obsessed with owls for a long time, and I think she rubbed off on me. I love anything owl-related, and spend all my extra non-book money on owl stuff!

  6. Owls are everywhere!! My friend went to England and bought me this adorable owl purse….and I swear two weeks later the owl craze started to swarm in my area. Is He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named dead? Because there are plenty of owls delivering a message. 😉

  7. I’ve always loved owls, but haven’t seen a lot of products until recently. Barnes and Noble has a lot of owl products. I read that the owl symbolizes wisdom in the Native American culture in a really interesting book called Animal Speak.

  8. I love this new feature you’re doing Katie! I think it’s important for a book blog not to be JUST about books. It’s great to know the blogger more! =)

    Anyways, I really love this new owl craze! I think owls are so cute. I saw these owl bookends one time and they were SO adorable! I don’t have anything owlish yet, but that will definitely be changing soon. 😉

  9. That sounds like a cool set of posts 🙂 I happen to love owls…I’m trying to pick up all the owl jewelry I can but unfortunately I have only gotten two pairs of earrings… :/ My neighbors have loved owls for as long as we have known them and have tons of statues and figurines in their house. They were ahead of everyone else 😛 Sierra
    Keep growing beautiful!

  10. I love owls. As you may have seen my blog design is owls. I keep seeing owl baby things in the store and I hope the craze lasts a couple more years so I can have an owl baby nursery someday and owl baby clothes, lol. (because it’s apparently bad luck to buy baby stuff 2 years in advance)

  11. I am flipping obsessed with owls. Literally. I love them so much – if it has an owl on it it is MINE!!!! I have a problem…

  12. Owls were my school mascot, and I love watching them (well, trying to watch them) in the wild. Their hoots are so different, you can tell them apart like that.

    Elizabeth Richards has some awesome owl pillows 🙂