Series Review: Maximum Ride (Books 1-8) by James Patterson

I recently read the complete Maximum Ride series and since some of them were actually re-reads I decided to do mini-reviews of all the books!
book cover of The Angel Experiment by James Patterson

The Angel Experiment (#1)
4 out of 5 shoes

The Angel Experiment is a strong start to the Maximum Ride series.  James Patterson is known for his fast-paced, action-packed adult suspense novels and while these have a very different subject matter, they are just as quick reads.  The characters are kind of underdeveloped in this first installment but I have hope that they will be better developed in the following books.  The story itself is supremely interesting and unique.  Readers will be hooked after this first book.

book cover of School's Out - Forever by James Patterson
4 out of 5 shoes

School’s Out – Forever, the second book in the Maximum Ride series is just as awesome as the first book.  The flock is back and better than ever.  All the characters start to show different sides of themselves and they start to become fleshed out.  The action is just as fast-paced and edge of your seat as the first book.  The writing style is simple and easy to get used to.  It’s a quick read that will leave readers eager for more.

book cover of Saving The World and Other Extreme Sports by James Patterson

Saving The World And Other Extreme Sports (#3)
4 out of 5 shoes

I have to say, so far this has been my favorite Maximum Ride book.  Questions are answered, secrets are revealed, and not everyone is who they seem to be.  Readers really get a deeper look at the characters in this book and not everyone is as bad or good as they originally seemed.  It’s still full of action (maybe even more than the previous books) and it’s still hilarious.  This series is impossible to stop reading once you start.

book cover of The Final Warning by James Patterson
3 out of 5 shoes

The first 3 Maximum Ride books were quick, entertaining reads that I greatly enjoyed.  I’m sad to say that things seem to be going downhill with The Final Warning.  It’s still a quick read with quite a few entertaining moments but it seems like the whole story has change drastically.  The first 3 books focus more on the flock getting away from other crazy mutants and saving the world from crazy scientists.  Now it’s all about global warming. WTF?  The book seemed more like a science lesson and I did not care for that.  I love the characters and I want the old story back.  

book cover of Max by James Patterson

Max (#5)
4 out of 5 shoes

Things are finally starting to pick up again with this series.  The flock is back to their bad-ass selves and the plan to save the world is a little more interesting this time.  I’m all for learning about global warming but I don’t want it shoved down my throat while I’m reading a book for fun.  This book didn’t have that preachy quality to it and I enjoyed it much more.  The flock was a little annoying at times (mainly Angel) but it really didn’t bother me all that much.  Max was a quick read and it will definitely get readers back into the series.

book cover of Fang by James Patterson
5 out of 5 shoes

This series is on an upward swing.  After The Final Warning I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue the series but I’m glad I did.  Max took the series back to it’s roots (evil scientists and crazy mutants) and it’s definitely still there (and crazier) in Fang.  The story is much more fast-paced than the previous books but there are some slower, sweeter moments.  Max and Fang’s relationship really changes in this book, especially with the introduction of Dylan.  The characters all change in this book and not necessarily for the better.  This is now my favorite book in the series so far!

book cover of Angel by James Patterson

Angel (#7)
4 out of 5 shoes

Angel, the second to last book in the Maximum Ride series, is definitely one of the best so far.  The story is fast-paced and fascinating, the characters (new and old) are more kick-ass than ever, and the ending damn near killed me.  This is the first time in a while that I have felt so invested in a set of characters and this book had the most emotion, at least so far in the series.  This series has got me hooked and all readers will be dying for the final book.  

book cover of Nevermore by James Patterson
3 out of 5 shoes

Nevermore, the final book in the Maximum Ride series, really let me down. I had such high hopes and the story just fell flat.  I mean, the world is ending and all Max can think about is whether she should be with Fang or Dylan.  Really?  And sure there were a bunch of fight scenes but they just seemed forced and unnecessary.  The whole story just seemed very disjointed and I expected so much more.  If the world ever does end, I really hope Maximum Ride and the flock are not on the case since I’m pretty sure they’d just let the world burn.  However, all questions were answered which made me happy and I can now move on to another series.

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  1. I haven’t read these books but I have had moms at the bookstore tell me their kids love them and they want recommendations for something similar. I’m not very helpful since I haven’t read them but I think I have a better idea now. I have found that it would be useful to make a list of clean teen fiction that is appropriate for younger readers and I have heard this series would be on the list.

  2. I read up to book 5 in the series, but really lost my enthusiasm after book 3. I thought it felt too preachy too (I think it’s great that the books encourage kids to get involved with keeping our planet healthy.) Book 6 I skimmed and just read the end to see what happened, but had no desire to pick up the other too. The series just felt like it was being dragged on and on and I’m actually a little shocked to learn it ended on book 8.

  3. I am waiting on Fang at my library (looks good!) and I would have to agree with what you said about Final Warning. It was way off course. And a disappointment after reading the first three 😛 Cool post! Sierra
    Keep growing beautiful!

  4. Thank you! 🙂 I just finished reading book 1 and at least, for now, I would know what to expect from each book… but of course our views might differ.. still, thanks!

  5. Never read anything by him (I know, it’s shameful) but I love how there’s a kick butt girl in them!!

    Love these short little reviews.

  6. I am a grandmother and a great grandmother and I still think the Maximum Ride series is the best. Patterson is one of my favorite authors. I have only read the first three books but I love ’em.

  7. I just gotta say, the introduction of a love triangle was the WORST decision this author made. The whole reason I started reading the series was the absence of love triangles. I enjoyed the series very much before Dylan showed up, but once he did, I just could not continue the book. It’s a dangerous road to send your book down because it could fall into the trap of, “who should I pick?!” Neither girl, pick yourself and get on with your mission!