Short Story Saturday: As Blue As the Sky and Just As Old

Short Story Saturday was created by Lauren at 365 Days of Reading.  I can’t guarantee that I’ll post a review every Saturday but I will post one as often as I can!

I am currently reading Two And Twenty Dark Tales: Dark Retellings of Mother Goose Rhymes.  

Short story: As Blue As the Sky and Just As Old

Author: Nina Berry
Summary:  As Blue as the Sky and Just As Old is a modern day retelling of the Mother Goose nursery rhyme, Taffy The Welshman.

My thoughts:  This is my first foray into Nina Berry’s writing and I was left wanting a little more. The story was a bit too disjointed and the dialogue was very stilted. It’s a very quick read; only takes about 10 minutes and I have to say that’s the best thing about this story. It definitely fits the description of a dark retelling of a Mother Good nursery rhyme but I expected something a little deeper and more meaningful than what I got.
I won’t give up on Nina Berry’s books because the writing was good but this short story was not the one for me.

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  1. Disappointed to hear this didn’t work for you. I’m not familiar with Berry’s writing but I’m looking forward to trying it for myself when I do read this book. Short story collections are always so hit and miss for me.

  2. I think I have this from NetGalley. I normally like short stories, but I am a little leery with this one. Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully her other short stories you’ll like better.. Thank you for sharing this..

  3. When dialogue doesn’t flow, it’s terrible. LIke they’re not real people talking (which they’re not obviously, but you want to think of them like they are and you’re peeking into their life).