Stacking The Shelves (1) (book haul 162)

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades.

For review:
Crusher by Niall Leonard
Beyond: A Ghost Story by Graham McNamee
Foretold edited by Carrie Ryan
Hanging By A Thread by Sophie Littlefield
Island Of Doom (Hunchback Assignments #4) by Arthur Slade
Unspoken (The Lynburn Legacy #1) by Sarah Rees Brennan
Yesterday by C.K. Kelly Martin
Shadowfell by Juliet Marillier
Dearly, Beloved (Gone With The Respiration #2) by Lia Habel
Skinny by Donna Cooner
Rootless by Chris Howard

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  1. Great vlog! I keep saying I’m going to do one and then I’m all “I need a haircut first or a different shirt, etc” 😉 These are all new titles to me so I’m going to be checking them out!

    Happy Reading!

  2. YOU HAVE SHADOWFELL! I have that, sitting on my shelf 🙂 Everyone I’ve talked to hasn’t heard of it! Unspoken sounds amazing <3 It seems like everybody has a copy but me. Haha, I hope you enjoy all of these books!

    I’m a new follower 🙂 • My Stacking the Shelves

  3. I really love how clear your camera makes and all the gloss on the cover of the books really shine! LOL, sorry, I just noticed. 🙂 You really really have to read Unspoken soon! It was soooo good. I love ghost stories so I’m so going to check out Beyond. I love short stories and I’ve never heard of Foretold! I’m definitely adding that one to my TBR! Hanging by a Thread and Deadly Beloved looks so great! I really want to read those two! Gah, you have a wonderful haul! So much amazingness! I hope you love and enjoy all these!

    If you have any time at all, here’s my STS! 😀

  4. You got quite a few awesome books. I thin Foretold looks like a fun collection of stories. Also looking forward to Hanging By a Thread. Hopefully you enjoy all your books this week and I look forward to the reviews!

  5. Unspoken is one of my favorite reads this year. I can’t wait to get my finished copy and read it again! And oh, Foretold! I want to read the Laini Taylor and Richelle Mead stories!!!!!!! Must acquire soon! Great haul!

  6. Did you like Unspoken? I loved it and there was lots of diversity in it, which you don’t see all the time 🙂

    Lovely vlog 🙂