My Latest Obsession: Awkward.

My Latest Obsession is a new post that I will be doing every now and then featuring something I’m obsessed with. It could be anything from a song to a cartoon character, it all just depends on my mood.

My latest obsession is the tv show Awkward.

Awkward. is a show on MTV and it’s probably MTV’s best show, at least in my opinion.  It’s clever, funny, and so true.  Everything that happens to Jenna I could totally see happening in a regular high school.  Jenna is so easy to like and so are the rest of the characters.  Her friends Tamara and Ming are so funny and Matty and Jake are two totally awesome guys.  I can see why Jenna might be torn between the two.  Then there are Jenna’s parents who are pretty clueless when it comes to their daughter.  Val, the counselor, has to be the best character though.  She and Jenna have some hilarious conversations that crack me up.  Pretty much everything about this show cracks me up actually.
The show is on it’s second season and pretty much all of the episodes are available on MTV’s website.  The episodes are only about 20 minutes each which sucks but it makes it very easy to get through them all.  You guys should definitely check out this show.  Although, warning, it’s better for mature audiences.  It’s quite raunchy. 
Have you seen Awkward.?  Are you as in love with the show as I am?
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  1. You should start a meme! “My Latest Obsession” I’m no sure if there’s one like this out there..
    But I really like the idea! Can I use it? I’ll give you credit 🙂
    btw love your blog!
    ~Hira (old follower)

  2. YES! oh my god I LOVE Awkward. I started watching it when it was a couple of episodes into its first season and I got hooked ever since! I have to say season 1 was so much better than season 2! I still love it, and you’re right, it IS MTV’s best show ever

    – Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  3. Love Awkward. So hilarious! I havent reallg got time to watch season 2 yet so im onlt on episode 2 but when halloween mid term comes I’ll be watching it everyday! I know what you mean about the school counsellor, she is so funny xD

  4. Love this show! I think it’s probably the only thing that’s gotten me to actually watch MTV these past few years, haha. I really need to buy it on DVD soon.

  5. Oooh, the episodes are all up on MTV? I’ve heard some good things about this and want to see it. Lack of cable kept me from investigating, but internet for the win apparently!

  6. I haven’t heard of this show before. I haven’t paid much attention to MTV in recent years but I might have to check this one out. I watch a lot of dramas and am always on the look out for good comedy series.

  7. I think I’ve heard of this from a couple of people but I’ve never checked it out! I’ll definitely try an episode out soon, especially if they’re only ~20 min 🙂

    Thanks for the rec! <3

    Also — I swear I was already following you…

  8. I discovered this show shortly before Season 2 began, and I watched Season 1 in one night. Yes, one night. It was pathetic and wonderful at the same time haha 🙂 Love this show!

  9. LOVE Awkward! It’s funny and realistic as you said, and there’s a lot of depth to the characters too.

    The love triangles are realistic and something that would happen in school 🙂