Short Story Saturday: Blue by Sayantani DasGupta

Short Story Saturday was created by Lauren at 365 Days of Reading.  I can’t guarantee that I’ll post a review every Saturday but I will post one as often as I can!

I am currently reading Two And Twenty Dark Tales: Dark Retellings of Mother Goose Rhymes.

book cover of Two And Twenty Dark TalesShort Story: Blue
Author: Sayantani DasGupta
Anthology: Two And Twenty Dark Tales

Summary: Blue is a retelling of the Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme, Little Boy Blue.
My thoughts: I’m a little lost with this story. I have no clue what it was supposed to be about. It was a very confusing story that didn’t seem to go anywhere. It was the shortest story I have read so far in the book and it needed a lot more to it to make it enjoyable. I couldn’t connect to the characters in such a short amount of time. I did however, enjoy the writing. It was lush, descriptive, and just beautiful. It was by far the best thing about the story.

Overall, Blue just didn’t do it for me. So far it’s my least favorite story from the book.

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  1. Oh, I’m sorry that you didn’t really like this one Katie! Based on what you said, I don’t think I’d like it either. It’s good that the writing at least partially makes up for the confusing-ness!

    I think it’s so neat that you’re reviewing some short stories now, Katie!! I will definitely be picking this book up, I’ve always wanted to read some anthologies. =)

  2. Hm… I absolutely loved this one, I’m about a third through the anthology and it was my favorite so far. The writing was gorgeous and I loved how self-reflective of literature, writing, bringing the world into being, text as weaving/texture etc it was. Then again, I’m an English Lit major, and quite a lot of the story taps into literary theory, themes and concepts that I guess aren’t familiar to everyone. I found it weird at first before I got lost in it and nearly missed my bus stop.

  3. Maybe it was supposed to be a meta story? Just really out there and abstract?

    Too bad this collection didn’t work as well as you wanted it to.

    Lovely review 🙂