Short Story Saturday: Clockwork by Leah Cypess

Short Story Saturday was created by Lauren at 365 Days of Reading.  I can’t guarantee that I’ll post a review every Saturday but I will post one as often as I can!

I am currently reading Two And Twenty Dark Tales: Dark Retellings of Mother Goose Rhymes.

book cover of Two And Twenty Dark TalesShort Story: Clockwork
Author: Leah Cypess
Anthology: Two And Twenty Dark Tales

Summary: Clockwork is a modern day retelling of the Mother Goose rhyme, Hickory Dickory Dock.
My thoughts: I have yet to read any of Leah Cypess’ full length books but if this short story is any indication, I will love them.  The writing, the story, even the characters were all fabulous.  For such a short story so much managed to come across.  I could clearly understand all the different relationships which I was worried about at first.  It was also a rather suspenseful short story and I did not see the ending coming.  Let me warn you: don’t be expecting happy endings with these stories.  You won’t get them.

Overall, definitely check out this story.  I will be reading Leah Cypess’ full length books very soon!

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  1. I love retellings and I’m looking forward to reading this anthology. I also love Leah Cypess. I’ve only read one of her books but I really enjoyed it and hope to get to the other soon. I’ve also bumped into her at a few local signings and she’s just so sweet in person.

  2. You should definitely read her books! They’re all the awesomeness you liked in the short story. I think if an author can rock a short story, make you care for the characters and get the world, then it shows how talented she is.

    Lovely review 🙂