Ten by Gretchen McNeil

book cover of Ten by Gretchen McNeil

Title: Ten
Author: Gretchen McNeil
Release date: September 18, 2012
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Pages: 294
Source: Publisher
Reading level: YA

And their doom comes swiftly.

It was supposed to be the weekend of their lives—an exclusive house party on Henry Island. Best friends Meg and Minnie each have their reasons for being there (which involve T.J., the school’s most eligible bachelor) and look forward to three glorious days of boys, booze and fun-filled luxury.

But what they expect is definitely not what they get, and what starts out as fun turns dark and twisted after the discovery of a DVD with a sinister message: Vengeance is mine.

Suddenly people are dying, and with a storm raging, the teens are cut off from the outside world. No electricity, no phones, no internet, and a ferry that isn’t scheduled to return for two days. As the deaths become more violent and the teens turn on each other, can Meg find the killer before more people die? Or is the killer closer to her than she could ever imagine?

Gretchen McNeil’s debut novel, Possess, is one of my favorite YA horror stories.  As soon as I heard about Ten I knew I had to read it.  I’m happy to say that I loved Ten even more than I loved Possess.
Ten is pretty much a horror movie in book form.  It’s fast-paced, terrifying, and will have you on the edge of your seat.  There were times when I wanted to yell at the characters because they definitely did some stupid stuff but I expected that.  It didn’t detract from my enjoyment of the story.
The best thing about Ten is how quick a read it is.  The chapters are short which made it seem even shorter. It’s an impossible book to put down and it will only take an hour or so to read.  Sure I love a good 500 page book but on a rainy day, Ten is the book to go for.
The plot is a little predictable but I was never 100 percent certain as to who the killer was.  I kept second guessing myself and I definitely guessed the wrong person a few times.  The story was full of twists and turns that I never saw coming and I loved that about it.
Meg was a strong main character.  She was one of the first people to realize what was going on.  She was one of the only people who kept a clear head throughout the murders and she always had good ideas as to how to help save them.  She was just really likable, smart, witty, and kind.  She was one of the things I liked most about the book.  
Overall, Ten is a must-read for horror fans.  And even if you aren’t a horror fan, I’d recommend this one.  It’s not too scary but it will definitely leave you checking around corners and leaving lights on.  
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  1. I want to read this one… I haven’t read a horror book in forev it seems like. For some reason reading the blurb and looking at the cover it reminds me of Fear Street!

  2. Oh great, Ten is waiting for me in my book pile. I got it because it looked so good. I don’t doubt that it will be…but now I’m afraid to read it, I’m not much for scary. Note to self, read in the mornings only! 😛 Thanks for the review! Sierra
    Keep growing beautiful

  3. This book looks so amazing. Though the plot was somewhat predictable, it seems that everything else that’s amazing about this book will make up for it. I am so pumped to read this when I get it–a horror movie in book form? Yes please!

    Just a Booklover

  4. I love one of these books! I think in a way this book is kind of like the Pretty Little Liars series, except this one happens much faster! I do have a question, do you like the ending? ‘Cause I always think this kind of books will have a bad ending, there’s like, only two ways the ending will go, either all was killed and the killer left, or someone caught the killer, and lived happily for now… So, I am curious how McNeil will handle it. Any clues? 😉

    Allyson Rida @ Chillin’ With Books

  5. This sounds awesome! Love creepy movies like that, so it will be even better in book form.

    I don’t mind it when characters do silly things you know will get them into trouble because it’s so much fun to shout at them!!

    Lovely review 🙂