An Update on Life and Why the Blog Might be a Little Lonely in the Future!

Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere but I am going to slow things down a bit.  I’ve seen posts like this on a lot of blogs recently and I was certain that that wasn’t going to happen to me but I was wrong.

Life has gotten really crazy for me and blogging has to come second to me.  I put so much pressure on myself to do everything and I’m finally starting to realize that I just can’t.  I want to be a 21-year-old and have fun and have a life and right now, it’s hard for me to do that.   I work full time, I go to school online, I run this blog, and that leaves very little time to do things outside of what’s required of me.  I can’t not go to school and I can’t quit my job so it looks like blogging is what’s going to have to change.

This past year, I’ve read so many amazing books, I’ve done so many amazing things with blogging, and I still love it but it has changed for me.  With all the new blogs popping up daily I feel this need to keep trying to make my blog even better so I don’t get lost among all the other blogs.  I’ve been focusing more on the blog than I am on reading and that’s not why I started this blog.  This blog needs to be about me, not other blogs/bloggers.  That’s why I’m going to take it slow from here on out.  I’m not going to force myself to post something daily (sometimes twice daily), I’m not going to make myself read review books when there’s some other book I’d much rather read.  Basically I’m taking back my freedom of choice!

So, like I said, I’m not going anywhere but I also won’t be around quite so much.  I’m going to enjoy life and have some fun!  =)

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  1. I admit, when I saw the title of the post I thought you were quitting, which made me sad. While I’m glad you’re not leaving, I’m happy that you are going to get back to the blog being more for you.

    Hope this change in blogging will be one that makes you happy-since that’s what matters most in this venture. =)

  2. Oh, Katie. I get what you’re saying. Even though I love your daily posts, I realize that there are more important things. I’m glad that you’re going to focus more on your life. That’s good. Once you have a good life, one you’ve always wanted you’ll have more time for your blog. I want you to know that I’m not going anywhere either and I’ll always follow your blog. 🙂

  3. I’m so glad you aren’t quitting altogether, Katie! Most of us agree that blogging needs to be fun and that real life needs to come first, so I’m sure all your readers will support you in this decision. You are a great blogger and I’ll follow your site no matter what. Good luck!

  4. Good for you! I have only been doing this for about 11 months and I have been overwhelmed with review requests from authors. I feel bad that I can’t get to them, but I just don’t have time. I am trying to slow down on blog tours and review requests for the next few months so I can read some books I really want to.

  5. Almost exactly a year ago I did this same thing! Sometimes you just have re-evaluate things and remember what’s really important. Its amazing what a relief it is just stepping back a little. I had cut out IMM and any memes so it was just reviews really. Since then I have started taking on more but I constantly have to remind myself not to do too much. Good luck!

  6. That’s great, Katie. You have to do what’s right for you at this time in your life. Have fun and be yourself without having to stress about everything. I am glad you are not stopping altogether though. Love seeing your reviews. Enjoy! 🙂

  7. Yay Katie, I’m glad that you are taking control back of your blog and doing it for fun. I feel like so many people (including me!) get so caught up in blogging and just all the competition that comes with it. It’s important to step back and blog for YOU, not anyone else! Go have fun and enjoy life, and don’t do anything you don’t want to with your awesome blog. =)

  8. You go, girl! I had a similar revelation about a month ago. It’s amazing how much more free I felt, even just making the decision to make blogging less of a priority! I hope the same happens for you. 🙂

  9. I totally agree, with all the new bloggers (though I’m glad more people are reading!) I feel a little lost in the crowd. Hmph. I think you should take the time to live your life. You’re only 21 once you know 😛 we’ll still be here! I’m glad you’re not completely quitting though! But I think it’s good to take breaks or slow down!

  10. Glad you are able to take a step back and feel comfortable with that decision, Katie! A lot of people have trouble realizing things need to change, and who knows, you may have the time of your life. We’ll all still be here 🙂 Enjoy!

  11. I’m glad that you’ve come to the realization that blogging is something you have to do for fun, so I’m glad that you are taking more time for yourself! 🙂 And it also makes me happy that you aren’t entirely giving up blogging, because I love your posts.

  12. TOTALLY understand! I’ve felt the exact same way for the past few months and I’ve been blogging a lot less, and yeah it makes me feel a bit guilty- but in the end it’s always best to do what makes you happy! Blogging should be fun not stressful! 🙂

    Hope you’re doing well and Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

    -Meredith 🙂

  13. Going backwards on your blog, I have to tell you the blog was just as content-rich as always!

    You’re awesome for juggling all of this 🙂