Stacking the Shelves (10) / Weekly Recap (4)

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades. 

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  1. Katie, you’re insane.

    Just kidding, but that READING pile is insane! That is an insane buttload of new and awesome books! I’m seriously stoked for pretty much all of them! I’m really looking forward to The Nightmare Affair and Mila 2.0. Happy reading, Katie! Can’t wait to read your reviews =)

  2. Katie, you got SO many great books this week! Pretty Girl 13 sounds really good, and I hadn’t heard of it until now but I’m excited for it now! And then of course Requiem… I can understand why you had the huge smile on your face.. and I didn’t know for sure that it was Hana and Lena’s POV, so I’m pretty excited!

    Great haul!
    My StS

  3. Wow, that’a a lot of books! I really liked Easy and Renegade, so hopefully you will, too; and I’m looking forward to your thoughts on Days of Blood & Starlight—I don’t know when I’ll get a chance to read my copy.

  4. You had an awesome haul this week Katie! Renegade sounds really interesting. There aren’t too many books that happen under the sea, so I’m always intrigued by ones that do. Mystic City sounds pretty interesting as well. I may have to check that one out! 🙂

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  5. OMG you g ot SOOO MANY BOOKS!! O_O That’s insane lol! I’ve read Renegade, Mystic City, The Paladin Prophecy, Shatter Me, and Easy and I loved them all! I hope you do too. 🙂 I’m so insanely jealous of Unravel Me and Requiem!! 😛 Have an awesome week Katie!

  6. Requiem! *flail* You HAVE to let me know what you think of it! And yay for e-galleys! I haven’t browsed NetGalley in a while, but now I’m definitely going to. 🙂

  7. Lish McBride is an amazing amazing author! She’s got a wonderful humorous tone to all her books and her characters are likable 🙂

    Lovely vlog 🙂