Blogger Interview: Amber from The Musings of ALMYBNENR!

Today I have an interview with the fabulous Amber from The Musings of ALMYBNENR!

What are you like outside of blogging?

Outside of blogging, I am pretty much a homebody. I enjoy curling up with a good book and my dog. I even like organizing and cleaning things up because clutter stresses me out. I spend time with my family. I also like shopping – I was lucky enough to receive two Bed, Bath, and Beyond gift cards for Christmas and I used part of them to buy various baking supplies. I enjoy baking and trying new recipes, many of which I have been discovering on Pinterest.

What made you decide to start your blog?

I started The Musings of ALMYBNENR in January 2010 for the simple reason that a friend of mine had Tumblr and used the ask a question feature on hers and in order to answer, I had to create an account. From there, I posted random things on the blog until a few months later when I discovered Google Reader and historical fiction book blogs. I started following those blogs and that naturally led to me discovering other book blogs. I was hooked and I began experimenting with bookish memes and sharing my thoughts on books. The rest is history!

What is your best book blogging moment?

My best book blogging moment? That is hard to say, but one that stands out in my mind recently is when I finally had my blog made over in July 2012. I am so happy to have my very own theme/design.

To help some of the newer bloggers: what have you found to be the best way to network and get your blog out there?

I think the best way to network and get your blog out there is definitely maintaining a presence on Twitter. It is so easy to start conversations with anyone there. Another important way to network is by leaving comments on other people’s blogs. Everyone says it and that many people cannot be wrong! Make sure the name you leave comments with is the same everywhere and includes your blog name in it if you can. If you read a review or some other kind of post and it sparks a response in you, leave it! Make it count – meaningful comments are the best.

What book turned you on to YA? 

What book didn’t?! I have been reading YA since early middle school and I have never outgrown it. I was a serial reader back in the day. I could always be found with the latest Sweet Valley variation or The Babysitter’s Club book. I just really connect with YA books, but I read adult books too.

How many books do you own?

Don’t make me count! I recently moved and books are EVERYwhere! I can tell you that I have one bookshelf and my books definitely do not all fit on it. I’m hoping to buy a second bookshelf soon. I want to make one just YA and the other with adult books. Plus I have ARCs lying around and then all of my Kindle books. Maybe one day I will count them, but today is not that day!

What are some blogs you recommend reading?

I read a wide variety of blogs, including yours, so you are an obvious recommendation. 🙂 I also recommend reading Step Into Fiction. I know Jessica and she is running a great blog and she has tons of contacts because she just has a natural gift at networking. She runs her blog with some other girls who are in various parts of the country which leads to coverage of all kind of book events. Reading Angel and Candace’s Book Blog are two more of my favorites. I found Angela and Candace early on and I learned of a lot of good YA books from them.


-Book of all time
I always have trouble with this because I love so many books!

-New release
I actually have not read any of 2013’s new releases yet because I have been behind, but I am sure I will love Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi and Vortex by Julie Cross.

Fantasy and historical fiction.

-Place to Read
My round green papasan chair for inside and the bench or rocking chair outside in the sun.

-TV show
I have three! Once Upon a Time, Grimm, and Sons of Anarchy; although, there are many others that I enjoy watching.

Sweetarts, but this could change depending on my mood!

Like with books, there are too many that I love for me to choose, but one is The Logical Song by Supertramp. I like a lot of classic rock, rock, and pop.

Readers, you can find Amber over at Musings of ALMYBNENR or on Twitter!

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  1. I love Amber! And thanks for the shout out! Its always nice go be reminded that someone reads, and enjoys, your blog.
    I think commenting on other blogs is the best way to get comments back. I put aside time each day to do commenting and getting lots of comments makes me and the authors whose books I review very happy. I’m always branching out trying to add more blogs to the list of those I read and comment on daily.
    I wish I liked baking and organizing, but nope I hate it! Well, I like organizing my books but that’s about it.

  2. It’s so much fun to learn more about what bloggers are like in their everyday life, and their interests!

    Everyone gets so excited about blog makeovers and it’s awesome because it’s like the blogger really personalizes her blog that way, marking any kind of transition etc.