Stacking the Shelves (13) / Weekly Recap

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades.

Weekly Recap!
Currently reading:
Bloodlines by Richelle Mead

Read this week:

Altered by Jennifer Rush
Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger
Wolf Pact by Melissa de la Cruz
Gates of Paradise by Melissa de la Cruz
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  1. You got some amazing books! I loved Of Poseidon, so I’m looking forward to reading Of Triton. I’ve preordered my copy of Boundless, and I also really want to know who she’ll choose. I’m Team Tucker and I’m so happy the release is only a few days away. Black City was super awesome, so Phoenix also looks great. There’s so many great sequels coming out this year. Also, Life After Theft is based off of The Scarlet Pimpernel. Enjoy all of your books, Katie! 🙂

  2. EEP your book hauls are always the best! I’m dying for Prodigy, Dead Silence, Invisibility and Life After Theft. The Sweetest Dark and Nobody sound awesome, and I’m definitely going to check them out 🙂
    Hope you enjoy all of these!

    My book haul

  3. O_O *mind recuperating from so many AWESOME books* WOAH this was legit EPIC! There are so many i dont know where to start. I just finished Shadow and Bone (at 2am) and AM SO JELLING over that but cant wait for june! I’m reading Taken and so far its SO GOOD. I still have to read Partials & Born Wicked. I LOVED Cold Fury and Black City and can not wait for there sequels to come out! I am A HUGE BLUE BLOODS FAN TOO!! 😀 Timeless is one of my favorite time travel love stories!

    -AWESOME Books this week Katie, Keep on rocking! ^_^
    Lisseth @ Read-A-holicZ [My StS]

  4. AHH, yay,..I knew there was a book coming out about Annabelle Lee and I could not remember which it was. So thanks for helping me remember! Wow, what a great haul, Katie! I’m definitely looking forward to a lot of those! Especially Boundless!

  5. WOW! Crazy awesome stack of books! I’m super itching to read Of Triton and Boundless! But woah, this is one epic haul of book. FOR SERIOUSLY! Like, I can’t even!! There’s even a lot of these that I haven’t even heard of but they look so freaking good! I’m super jealous, but in a very good way! lol. I hope you love and enjoy all these amazing books, Katie! You’re going to speed right through them, I just know it 🙂

    Happy reading and thanks so much for stopping by!

    Jessirae @ Words, Pages, and Books

  6. Very jealous of the fact that you got Life After Theft! I loved the Wings series so I’m really looking forward to reading this one.
    The Rogue’s Princess is an amazing book and you should definitely read the first one, The Other Countess, soon as it’s one of my favourite historical novels! Happy reading! 🙂

  7. Oh my goodness, I LOVE your haul. Of Triton (that cover!), Siege and Storm, Taken, Fragments, Boundless, Wasteland, Star Cursed, Prodigy, Phoenix, Belladonna, and so much more! -drools-
    As for Timekeeper, I didn’t really enjoy it. Maybe you will!
    Thanks for stopping by my STS! 😀

  8. AHHHH. Star Cursed. *falls over* The ending of that last book. KILLED. ME. That defiantly is the haul of awesome. I must say! Happy Reading!

  9. So many amazing books, a lot that are also on my wishlist. Definitely a little jealous of Belladonna because Venom was amazing. Happy reading!

  10. Wow… your haul was amazing!!! I really need to read Shadow & Bone, I was intially turned off because I don’t really like fantasy but so many non fantasy readers(like yourself) have said they loved it I have to try it!! And you for Fragments… gahhh… book envy! I really loved Partials(surprisingly.. because that was my first dabbling in sci fi) so I’m excited to see where the sequel takes us, considering their was such a big cliffhanger. I hope you enjoy everything you got this week and thanks so much for stopping by my post 🙂 Happy Reading!!

  11. Thanks for stopping by!! Fantastic haul!!! There’s so many books I’m dying to read in that haul!!! Especially Boundless, Prodigy and Ashes on the Waves! I hope you enjoy all your books!!! 🙂

  12. Holy Toast!! So freaking amazing!! That’s a lot of books! I hope you are enjoying Bloodlines, I know I did!! I hope you love all of your books, most of which I have never heard of! Can’t wait to read your awesome reviews and thank you so much for commenting on my blog.

  13. Oh my! I don’t think it’s possible to comment on all of these, but needless to say this is an awesome STS for you!
    I think I’m most envious about Th 5th Wave, Phoenix and Dead Finder #4. Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

  14. You got Of Triton and Boundless!?!?! So jelly right now lol. I think I really need to read Shadow and Bone right now. I keep hearing great things and I’m not a big fantasy person either, but if you liked it despite that I probably will too. I gotta read Partials too still lol. That second book is HUGE! You gotta read Legend asap.

    I just finished Vampire Academy a few months ago so I’m gonna start bloodlines soon. How are you liking it? Thanks for stopping by the other day. Hope you enjoy all those amazing books.

  15. PHOENIX?! SIEGE AND STORM?! OF TRITON?! INVISIBILITY?! TAKEN?! Okay. I’m done. I need toget out of here and stick my head in a bucket of ice water. You are too cool for me! So many awesome books right there.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!!!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  16. What an amazing collection of books. Will you get a chance to read all of them? I already have some of them on my Amazon wishlist and can’t wait to read them myself. Happy reading!

  17. CRAZY haul! Can’t wait to read Prodigy! 😀 😀 😀 I just recently heard of Love in the Time of Global Warming – sounds gooood! Happy reading!

  18. That definitely sounds like an epic week, Katie. I am very excited for you (which is weird but I’m seriously excited that you got so many good books and am looking forward to your reviews). Seige & Storm looks amazing. The first book in the series is one of my favorite books now so I hope you like it. Invisibility is also written by my two favorite authors so I can’t wait. I read and enjoyed Legend, I think you’ll like it too. ANyway enjoy your books! (my book haul)

  19. You got some really amazing books!! I can’t wait to read Of Triton and Boundless. Life After Theft looks really cool and intriguing. I absolutely can’t wait for Invisibility is looks amazing!!! So jealous you have a copy. Enjoy all of your awesome books!!

    Ange @ Moonlight Reader

  20. Holy Moly! Taken is my most anticipated debut of 2013! Love the concept and cover. Arclight sounds amazing too. And of course Boundless! I’ll be working when the store opens up on release day, but I’m send my mom out to grab it and bring it to me so I can start right away. lol I’m reading Prodigy right now. I truly loved Legend so I hope you get to read it at some point soon too. Oh boy, I could go on and on! I hope you enjoy all of these new reads! 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by my post!

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

  21. Thanks for stopping by my SP & STS! Oh my goodness! You’ve got one awesome haul there! Oh and I LOVE Richelle Mead! Bloodlines isn’t my favorite book she’s ever written, but it’s a lot of build up necessary for the rest of the story. Loved The Golden Lily and I can’t wait for The Indigo Spell!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  22. I put Smoke & Bone on my Medial Mail post, brain slip – I meant Siege & Smoke – can’t wait to read it – hope you enjoy it as well! I think I might have a heart attack with as many books as you have this week.

    – Jessica @ Book Sake

    I WANT THAT ONE!!! 😀


    I haven’t read Shadow & Bone yet… 😛 -hides-
    -takes note- If there’s an editor note involved the book is destined to be good 😀

    White Lines T_T I want to read it!!! 😀

    I’m not a fan of historical, much… Specially when it involves fantasy :/ But you make the books sound SOO good!! *_*
    I really need to read Mary Lindsey’s first book with this one coming out 😀

    Invisibility!! Get out T_T -envy aura-

    Jesus CLouds!!!
    EPIC sounds like SUCH an understatement!! hahaah

    You’re so lucky!!! Enjoy them all!!

    Happy reading!
    Here’s my STS if you’d like to stalk 😀

  24. I am totally impressed with your book haul! Makes mine look like pittance in relationship! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great reading week!

    Shelley @ Gizmos Reviews

  25. Wow, that is so many awesome books!!!

    I’m so EXCITED for Of Triton, Boundless, Star Cursed, Phoenix, Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, Flicker & Burn, Belladonna, Blue Bloods: The Graphic Novel, Gates of Paradise (yay last book!!!), and Timekeeper!

    I still need to read my copy of Prodigy (I haven’t read Legend either – need to get to that soon) but I’ve heard the series is really good so I’m excited to try it.

    I NEED to read Shadow & Bone soon, everyone seems to love the book plus the second one will coming out this year.

    Happy reading, hope you enjoy all of them! 🙂

  26. You got a lot of great book! I just won Timeless. I haven’t read it yet. Hopefully I can read it soon so I can get to Timekeeper. Thanks for stopping by!

  27. Hi!
    TOTALLY jealous of Seige & Storm and Invisibility! AND I can’t wait to read Etiquette & Espionage as well ! You have a ton of great books there, hope you enjoy them and thanks for stopping by my blog! 🙂

  28. WOW!! what a great list!! So much I want to read! I’ll be watching out for your reviews!!

    Thanks for stopping by my Stacking the Shelves the other day!!

    jaime @ Fic Fare

  29. OMG you got Phoenix and Belladonna and Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea!! o.O Those are among my most most anticipated books for 2013! Such a HUGE haul! Congrats 🙂 I hope you enjoy all that you got and get around to reading it all in the foreseeable future 😉
    By the way I love how stuffed your bookshelves are, and your Pikachu shirt 😉
    Thanks so much for stopping by my post, and sorry it took a while to get back to you :/
    Happy reading!

  30. Goodness, I’m practically drooling over your awesome haul! I hope you enjoy all your books and I can’t wait to hear what you think of them– especially Ashes on the Waves, I’m really excited for that book. 🙂

  31. Holy sweet epic haul! Wow, so many books here I want to read – especially the Grisha, Unearthly & Legend Series! Oh and Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea 😀 I’m also curious about Taken! Congrats on all these books!!

    Happy reading & thanks for stopping by earlier ♥

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  32. The Sweetest Dark was awesomely written but I didn’t really like the romance. It was so hyped and then the guy dies. Then the next book is with another boy.

    But it’s dragons! So that’s good!