Short Story Saturday: Candlelight by Suzanne Lazear

Short Story Saturday was created by Lauren at 365 Days of Reading.  I can’t guarantee that I’ll post a review every Saturday but I will post one as often as I can!

I am currently reading Two And Twenty Dark Tales: Dark Retellings of Mother Goose Rhymes.

book cover of Two And Twenty Dark TalesShort Story: Candlelight
Author: Suzanne Lazear
Anthology: Two And Twenty Dark Tales

Summary: Candlelight is a retelling of the How Many Miles to Babylon? mothergoose rhyme.

My thoughts:  Candlelight is definitely one of the better stories in this collection.  The premise was unique and very captivating.  I haven’t read Suzanne Lazear’s other work but the writing in Candlelight was fabulous. While it definitely was a short story, the story was very fleshed out and I felt satisfied with the ending.  The characters were likable but very misled. 

Overall, Candlelight is one to check out from this collection.  I’ll be reading more from Suzanne Lazear in the future, that’s for sure.

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  1. Ah, I love the idea of Short Story Saturday. Especially because I like to only read one or two short stories from a collection at a time!

    I think I have a copy of this anthology… I’ll have to read this story in particular!

    Thanks for stopping by The Hiding Spot… I hope you do end up reading ME, HIM, THEM AND IT soon. Not everybody loved it, but I definitely did!

  2. I really love novellas and short stories, but mostly novellas. Do you like them as a bridge between sequels or as an introduction to a series? Jennifer Armentrout’s novella for the gargoyle series was so good and romantic.