Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society #2) by Ally Carter

book cover of Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter

Title: Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society #2)
Author: Ally Carter
Release date: May 29, 2012
Publisher: Disney Hyperion
Pages: 304
Source: BEA
Reading level: YA

Katarina Bishop has worn a lot of labels in her short life: Friend. Niece. Daughter. Thief. But for the last two months she’s simply been known as the girl who ran the crew that robbed the greatest museum in the world. That’s why Kat isn’t surprised when she’s asked to steal the infamous Cleopatra Emerald so it can be returned to its rightful owners.

There are only three problems. First, the gem hasn’t been seen in public in thirty years. Second, since the fall of the Egyptian empire and the suicide of Cleopatra, no one who holds the emerald keeps it for long—and in Kat’s world, history almost always repeats itself. But it’s the third problem that makes Kat’s crew the most nervous, and that is . . . the emerald is cursed.

Kat might be in way over her head, but she’s not going down without a fight. After all, she has her best friend— the gorgeous Hale—and the rest of her crew with her as they chase the Cleopatra around the globe, dodging curses and realizing that the same tricks and cons her family has used for centuries are useless this time. Which means, this time, Katarina Bishop is making up her own rules.

Before reading Uncommon Criminals, I had forgotten how fun Ally Carter’s books really are.  Uncommon Criminals, while not quite as good as Heist Society, had me hooked from beginning to end.
Uncommon Criminals starts up shortly after the ending of Heist Society.  Kat is up to her normal thieving ways but this time it’s for a good cause.  Kat is determined to return pieces of history to their rightful owners and in this case, it’s the Cleopatra Emerald.  To her, it doesn’t matter if the thing is cursed, just that she get it back to the true owners.  Her crew isn’t quite so eager but they’re always there for her.  However, when Kat realizes that they may have been conned it’s up to them to pull of their biggest heists yet.
The whole gang is back and better than ever.  Kat’s been working on her own for a while now but she knows that this is one heist she can’t pull off on her own.  Instead it’s going to take all they’ve got and maybe even some help from unexpected sources.  The cast of characters in Ally Carter’s books are really what keep me coming back for more.  Kat is a very different person now than she was in the first book of the series.  Readers get to see a whole different side to her this time around.  She’s not just a thief now, she has a truly good purpose.  It’s impossible not to love Kat even when she does completely stupid things and is oblivious to the things/people around her.  Speaking of the people around Kat.  Her crew is amazing but especially Hale.  Hale doesn’t exactly fit into the lifestyle but he’s made it work for him.  He’s also probably one of my favorite love interests in a YA book.  He’s not perfect by any means but he’s so sweet and funny and just plain awesome.  The rest of the crew is just as awesome.  They’re like a huge, kind of odd, family.  They all have their role in the crew and while they don’t always do things according to plan, they usually manage to pull it off.
I actually think I liked the plot of Uncommon Criminals even more than Heist Society’s which is saying something.  It’s fun and fast paced and completely unpredictable.  Ally Carter knows how to write a story that will leave readers on the edge of their seats.  Her stories continue to thoroughly entertain me and I’m always left with a smile on my face.
Overall, I couldn’t recommend Uncommon Criminals more.  This series has great potential and Ally Carter has definitely become a favorite author of mine.
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  1. I liked UC more than HS because it’s plot was more engaging and complex and I loved that. The story was so much focused on the heist that I missed a little romance, but I’m so glad that Kat & Hale are going towards that. Great review!

  2. glad you liked Uncommon Criminals, I also really love Kat’s crew! I read Heist Society and wasn’t that impressed in all honesty but I want to continue on with this trilogy just to read Perfect Scoundrels.. author said fans of Hale will love it!!

    great review,
    – Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  3. This is one of my favorite Ally Carter books! I loved how Kat developed, and how close the group became.

    What’s a lot of fun is all the action, but it’s only this awesome because of the characters! You totally care for them!

    Lovely review!!