Upcoming Colorado Book Events! (March)

Fellow Colorado book lovers, there are some awesome events coming up and I wanted to share them just in case you may not know. I will be attending as many events as I can so if you see me around feel free to talk to me! I’m very chatty! The ones I know I will be attending have an asterisk next to the authors name.

For more information about the event click on the authors name or location (if more than one signing.)

book cover of The Colossus Rises by Peter Lerangis

Peter Lerangis
March 3 
2:00 PM
Barnes & Noble (Boulder)
March 4

7:00 PM
Tattered Cover (Highlands Ranch)

book cover of The Madness Underneath by Maureen Johnson

Maureen Johnson*
March 5
7:00 PM
Tattered Cover (Highlands Ranch)

book cover of Unremembered by Jessica Brody

Jessica Brody*
March 9
3:00 PM
Tattered Cover (Highlands Ranch)

book cover of Finn Finnegan by Darby Karchut
March 16
1:00 PM
Barnes & Noble (Colorado Springs)
Let me know I’ve failed to mention an event that you know about.  I hope to see some of you guys at these events next month!
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