BEA Book Haul!

I’ve had a couple people asking about the books I got at BEA so I decided to film a vlog!  It’s not the best vlog (still getting back in the swing of things) but here it is!

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  1. Amazing haul! So many great books that I’ve just added to my Goodreads ‘to-read’ list! I hope that I can go to BEA someday! Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂

  2. Holy bajeezus! So many books, and so many I hadn’t heard of! This just makes me more determined to save up to go next year. I love discovering new authors. 😀

  3. Yay, I missed your vlogs! I’m so jealous of some of the books you got, especially The Coldest Girl in Coldtown and Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer! I hope you enjoy them. 🙂

  4. The coldest girl in coldtown! Sounds so interesting.
    Parasite, sounds awesome! I haven’t read her other series yet, but the first book is on my way. I really love books about micro-organisms.
    Oehh, I love signed copies and Teardrops’ cover is great.
    Marie Antoinette serial killer looks good.
    These broken stars <3 Can’t wait!
    Fangirl looks so cute.
    The bone season, very interested in this one.
    HERO HERO HERO! I loved Enchanted and I need this 😀
    Frozen, can’t wait.

    You have many books I’ve never heard of. I will check them out on Goodreads.

    Happy reading! I’m so jealous on everyone who got to go to BEA. I want to go toooo 😀

  5. I had to have a tab of Goodreads open while your video played to add more books to my TBR list (: I saw the trailer for the tv show version of The 100 and heard rumor it was based on a book. So excited to read some of these books!

  6. LOVE your shirt. Also, I just found out about The 100 last week and I’m so jealous you got a copy because I want to read that book RIGHT NOW lol. Enjoy all your goodies 🙂

  7. Hereafter!!!! and its signed!! SO JEALOUS! and Fire with Fire!!! and Reality Boy! and How to Love!! and Wild Cards! and Roomies! OMG you are so lucky! Looks like you had a great trip 🙂

  8. It’s interesting to see, in hindsight, which hyped-up books at BEA actually lived up to the hype and which didn’t!

    Lots of awesome ones, either way 🙂