Blog Tour: Interview With Bethany Griffin + Giveaway!

I am super excited to be part of the Dance of the Red Death blog tour.  I adored Masque of the Red Death and you guys can expect my review of the second book very soon!

Describe Masque of the Red Death in 140 characters or less!

Fast-paced, tragic, filled with adventure, intrigue, ball gowns, bats, and crocodiles. This is Araby’s chance to fight back, and to grow up, and to fall in love.

Since you chose to retell Masque of the Red Death, is that your favorite Edgar Allan Poe story? If not, what is?

The Cask of Amontillado was the first Poe story I ever read. We read it in 4th grade and then had to prosecute or defend the main character for the murder committed. My impassioned speech won first place, and it was maybe the first time I ever felt a sense of accomplishment in school? The Fall of the House of Usher, is my ultimate favorite Poe story, though.

There’s a bit of a love triangle in Masque of the Red Death. I am definitely all for Will but what guy is your favorite and what makes him your favorite? Can you choose between the two?

Who I would choose and the person Araby would choose might be different! (I also had a huge discussion with my writing group years two years ago about who Araby wants and who is best for Araby. We didn’t all agree) I love writing Elliott, he’s definitely the most fun. But I love the Will scenes. I could say that my favorite guy is whichever one I’m writing, but I’m not sure what that says about me. I guess I’ll say that Araby ends up with the person I think she was meant to end up with.

What has been your favorite part of getting your books published?

I never forget the first time I tear into a package with my publisher’s logo, and out comes the first copy of the book, or the first time I see the books on shelves. I was lucky to get beautiful books and covers and it’s just a joy to see them on the shelf in my house, or anywhere else, and know that they are mine It’s easy to get caught up in who is going to what conference and who is getting what award and who has more foreign editions published, but at the end of the day, I can pick up my books and go, ‘wow, these are real, and some people are reading them, and some people are actually enjoying them!)

I completely adore the covers for Masque of the Red Death and Dance of the Red Death? Are they what you pictured? What was your reaction when you first saw them?

Not what I pictured at all…when I first saw the cover for Masque I thought it was WAY too girly. Seeing it in person, the deckled pages, raised lettering, that was when I knew how lucky I was. They are beautiful books (Dance is equally beautiful).

Will there be more books set in this world in the future or is Dance of the Red Death the last we’ll see of Araby and her story?

I have a few snippets of short stories that will probably end up on my blog, but other than that, I think Araby’s story concludes with Dance.

Bethany Griffin continues the journey of Araby Worth in Dance of the Red Death—the sequel to her teen novel Masque of the Red Death.

In Dance of the Red Death, Araby’s world is in shambles—betrayal, death, disease, and evil forces surround her. She has no one to trust. But she finds herself and discovers that she will fight for the people she loves, and for her city.

Her revenge will take place at the menacing masked ball, though it could destroy her and everyone she loves…or it could turn her into a hero.

With a nod to Edgar Allan Poe, Bethany Griffin concludes her tragic and mysterious Red Death series with a heroine that young adult readers will never forget.

Bethany Griffin is a high school English teacher who prides herself on attracting creative misfits to elective classes like Young Adult Literature, Creative Writing, and Speculative Literature. She is the author of HANDCUFFS and MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH. She lives with her family in Kentucky.


Grand Prize– Poe Nail Decals, Masque of The Red Death inspired bracelet, Hardcover of Dance of the Red Death, bracelet, and a bookmark!

3- Hardcover of Dance of the Red Death, bracelet, and a bookmark!

US/CA only!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don’t forget to check out the rest of the tour!

Week One
June 3rd – Fiktshun – Guest Post
June 4th – Two Chicks on Books – Guest Post
June 5th – Katie’s Book Blog – Interview
June 6th – The Starry-Eyed Revue – Guest Post
June 7th – Burning Impossibly Bright – Character Interview
Week Two
June 10th – Coffee, Books and Me – Guest Post
June 11th – Shelfspace Needed – Review
June 12th – Shortie Says – Character Interview
June 13th – Lust For Stories – Review
June 14th – The Bookish Brunette – Review
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  1. Love the interview and hearing what she’ll never forget. I feel like seeing your books on a shelf in a store would be overwhelming and amazing. As for fav Poe stories, I only know the famous ones and things that are said on The Following (tv show nerd, I know) 🙂

  2. I think the only one I’ve ever read is The Raven, but I think I may have a Poe collection that was in the freebies in the Kindle store 😉

  3. I’ve read the Tell Tale Heart and The Cask of Amontillado. If I had to choose my favorite Poe story, I think it’d probably be the Tell Tale Heart. But my favorite Poe poem is without a doubt Annabel Lee! Or maybe Eldorado… Hm…

    I love the interview! It’s definitely difficult to decide between Will and Elliott… and I can’t wait to see who is the better guy for Araby. (P.S. Wow, I definitely didn’t think the cover for Masque was girly when I first saw it, haha!)

  4. The Raven. Even though I’ve read some others I definitely like the Raven the best because my dad used to read it to me when I was little and then I memorized it and we recited it together. Yes, it kind of scared me out, but it was something we did together.

  5. My favourite is the Tell Tale Heart. It’s not the first one I ever read, but I loved it! I read it in my grade 10 english class, and my teacher was just so passionate that I think that’s why I loved it so much!

  6. Annabel Lee always stuck with me, but I’m a huge Poe fan, so many of his poems are favorites of mine! Thanks for the giveaway! 😀

  7. My favorite Poe story is The Raven, but it’s not my actual favorite piece. My absolute favorite is the poem Annabel Lee. Love it!

  8. Great interview! I recently hosted a Masque of the Red Death read-a-long and I loved it and the novella. Can’t wait to read Dance of the Red Death.

    My favorite Poe story is the Tell-Tale Heart. Always gives me the creeps!

  9. The Cask of Amontillado – what a great and creepy story. The jingling that the narrator hears as he’s bricking up the wall. TERRIFYING. Gave me chills for days. Thanks!

  10. I recently read Murders in Rue Morgue but I have to say I was most entranced/terrified by The Tell-Tale Heart when I read it in eighth grade.

  11. This is one of the most imaginative series, and I completely connected with ARaby!

    She’s a wonderful main character, and I’m all for Will too 🙂

    Her new one seems to be just as creepy 🙂