15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 10!!

It’s day 10 of the 15 day book blogger challenge and I’m excited to be nearing the end.  It’s been fun but I keep forgetting to post until late in the day.

Day 10: How do you choose what to read next?

This is a hard question for me to answer because honestly it all depends on the day of the week.  Some days I know exactly what I’m in the mood to read and I go right for it on my shelves.  Other days I can’t make up my mind at all!  On those days I have a couple options.  Sometimes I take a stack of books that I need to review and post a picture on Instagram and Twitter.  Then I leave it up to my followers to decide what I read next.  Other times I’ve just picked a number and gone to that number on my TBR on Goodreads. There really is very little method to my madness.  =)

How do you choose what to read next?  

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  1. I schedule my reviews about two months in advance so I basically read according to that schedule; if one book is up next, it needs to be read next so it can have its review written. But sometimes it’ll depend on whether or not I want an e-book or a hardcopy.

  2. I am a major mood reader, so I rarely know what I am going to read next. Sometimes depending on my mood, I have a few books I think will fit the bill. And then other times I can’t find the right book for my mood, and then I am starting and stopping books for awhile, which I hate. Grr.

  3. I like the idea of letting my followers help with the picking. Usually, I’m good with deciding what to read next, but occasionally I’m just in a reading funk.

  4. Do you ever find that you pick a book from your review pile, just because you have to, thinking you won’t like it, but then you love it ?