15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 12!!

Today is day 12 of the 15 day book blogger challenge hosted by April of Good Books and Good Wine!

Day12: How do you fight blogger fatigue?
There is really only one way for me to fight blogger fatigue: take a break.  At least once a year, I get really burned out.  I have to force myself not to read and write reviews.  There are a lot of times when I wish I could just read a book without analyzing every little thing about it.  When those times roll around, I take a step back.  I leave off wherever I am on the blog and take at least two weeks off.  Usually during those two weeks I either re-read some of my favorites or read cheesy romance novels.  I do what I want and don’t worry about what’s going on with the blog.  I’ve found that it’s the only way for me to get over my blogger fatigue.  
What about you guys?  How do you fight blogger fatigue?  Share your secrets, please!
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  1. This is something I’m still working to figure out for myself. I get burned out alllll the time, but I never take breaks, which has basically turned into me resenting blogging. BUT, I’ve given myself permission to stop caring about all the reasons why I refuse to take breaks and just let myself be. Right now I’m taking it book by book. If I don’t want to review something, then I won’t. There’s no use forcing it because in the end it just makes things worse. I admire the fact that you can just take a break! I wish I could do that (without going crazy haha).

  2. Agreed. Taking breaks is, I think, the best way to fight it. The only problem is that during these breaks, I read a lot of books and don’t review them. *Shrug* But when I’m in the zone blogging-wise, I’ll write a bunch of posts that I can publish when I get tired of blogging.
    Great post! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I’m terrified that if I take a break, I’ll never get back into the routine. I slowed down a bit on my blog in June because life got so crazy. I still posted my regular posts, but I didn’t visit many blogs, and didn’t read as much. And it’s taken me almost a full month to get back into the routine I was in before June came around.

  4. Definitely! Taking a break is key, for everything in life. I love blogging as a hobby, but since I don’t get paid for it, I don’t want to be stressed by it. It’s fun and I want it to stay that way.

  5. I have been battling blogger fatigue a lot this year-I’m just not good at taking a break. It also helps when you read really good books, which is happening for me this week and has really revitalized my spirits!

  6. Breaks are rejuvenating and a great way of recharging batteries while giving you a chance to miss what you’re sick of doing :))