15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day One!!

The 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge is hosted by April over at Good Books And Good Wine.  Since I’ve been on a little hiatus and don’t really want to jump right back into blogging, I decided this would be a good way to ease back in.

  1. I’m a total cover whore.  I know this probably doesn’t surprise you guys but I’m all about the covers.  
  2. Nothing about books embarrasses me.  I know some of the covers are super cheesy and some of the titles are even worse but I truly don’t care.  I will read any book in public without a care in the world.
  3. I grew up reading murder mysteries rather than childrens or YA books.  We didn’t have many kids books in the house but we had tons of my dad’s books.  Harlan Coben, James Patterson, Lisa Scottoline; those were my bedtime stories.
  4. I’m really into romance in my books.  I usually don’t like a book as much if it doesn’t have any romance involved.  I tend to get bored without at least a hint of romance!
  5. I’m all about the characters.  Usually the only reason I dislike books is because of the characters.  I either can’t relate, they’re underdeveloped, they’re annoying, or something along those lines.  All my low stars reviews are for books with characters I didn’t like.
  6. I love the bad boys!  I know that in real life, the bad boy is usually just a bad boy.  However, in books, they’re always just misunderstood and really awesome.  I love those kinds of bad boys.
  7. I am terrified of hype.  So many books end up disappointing me after I read all the awesome reviews. Now if a book is super hyped up I tend to set it aside until I can forget the hype and just read it without super high expectations.
  8. My TBR pile scares me.  Seriously.  Especially my Goodreads TBR.  I don’t know that I will ever get the chance to read all the books on my TBR but I’m trying my hardest!
  9. I add books to my TBR like crazy.  Goodreads is a huge weakness for me because I just add books like nobody’s business.  I know I won’t read them all but if I don’t add them I know I’ll forget about them.
  10. I’m terrible at choosing what to read next.  Everything just looks so good that I freak out and take forever just deciding on one book.
  11. For the longest time I would not read ebooks.  I had an ereader but I just refused.  Unless a book was exclusively published in ebook, I would get a print copy.  Now I tend to read more ebooks than physical copies and I love that I’m able to clear off some of my shelf space and add books to my ereader instead.
  12. I’m terrible at getting rid of books.  
  13. Bookmarks are my enemy.   I always lose them.  More often than not I just use a random piece of paper I find lying around.
  14. I’m one of those people who loves to read the last page first.  I have gotten better at not doing this but there are some times when I just can’t resist skipping to the end.
  15. I buy purses based on whether or not they can hold at least one hardcover book.  I don’t go anywhere without at least one book so I need a big purse!
Do we share some of the same bookish peeves and habits?  Feel free to share your own in the comments!
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  1. I love how many people choose a purse based on it’s book holding ability. That is awesome.

    ALSO! I do the same thing with goodreads, I basically add every book ever to my TBR which sends me into a shame spiral.

    How interesting that you grew up with murder mysteries and then gravitated to YA! So cool!

    Thanks for joining in!

  2. I feel like you just wrote my list for me! The only one that doesn’t apply to me is #3.
    The ones I really relate to are needing romance in your books and having an overwhelming TBR pile!!

  3. You know, the more I think about it, I think that the people who would make fun of someone for reading a book with a bad cover, or a romance book, are probably people who either don’t read or who are book snobs. And really, who likes either of them?

    Oh, and I lose all my bookmarks, too. I’m scared to use them now!

  4. I read the ending first all the time, too! Some people think I’m nuts, but I can’t handle the stress sometimes.

    Also, heck yeah to the romance. Romances are always my favorite, although I will sometimes read non-romance books.

    I just bought a new purse, and it’s so big. I can fit a couple books in there. PERFECT!

  5. Good stuff, Katie!
    AMEN to 4 and 5! I seriously love good romance (hence, my foray into NA) and characterization is KEY for me.
    7 – Hype is a scary thing for sure. That’s kind of what my day 4 post was about (as opposed to actual flinging of books).
    8 – The TBR…ugh!
    11 – I had a Kindle for 6 months before I used it. First book was Divergent. 🙂 The convenience of buying books and even more so, the ability to read manuscripts and comment/annotate is what made me get started!
    15 – TRUTH! Luckily my Kindle has made this even more possible (the Paperwhite is pretty compact, ha ha). 😉

  6. I’ve seen a lot of confessions about being a cover whore-seems like that might be more typical than we think. I have my preferences for covers as well and have avoided books when I didn’t like the cover (Before I Fall springs to mind with its creepy face being a reason I waited so long to read it.)

  7. #14 I used to do this all the time, but now that I find I’m reading more ebooks the print, that habit has pretty much stopped altogether. Though I still read ahead in general pretty consistently.
    #15 That’s me too. I have to be able to fit at least one print book in my purse. My ereader used to be a permanent fixture in my purse, as well, but the app on my phone has all but replaced it unless I’m travelling.

    Pretty much all of your bookish confessions I can also claim lol

  8. I get bored without romance a lot, too!

    Hype terrifies me, too. I still haven’t read Sweet Evil because of this fact.

    I add books to my TBR on GR like crazy, too. I have zero restraint. And picking what’s next, that’s me, too.

    OHMYGOSH. You and I need to have a conversation about this list sometime because you and I are so alike on, like, everything here. Seriously.

    Just a Booklover

  9. LOL Katie I thought I was the only one that bought handbags according to what will fit at least a paperback LOL but since I’ve bought an ebook reader it’s no longer as necessary, it just now has to be able to fit my Nook 😀

  10. I too peek at the last page first, even in a bookstore! I need to know if all will be well, because if it’s not there’s not point for me 🙂