15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day Two!!

Today is the second day of the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge hosted by April from Good Books and Good Wine.  It’s not too late to start if you haven’t already!

So today is all about the bedtime reading ritual.  I’m a big bedtime reader.  I used to watch TV before bed but as I’ve become more of a reader I’ve stopped doing that and I instead spend my time before sleep reading.
First up, I brush my teeth, put my hair up, take off my makeup, and get ready for sleep.  I admit that reading makes me sleepy sometimes so I make sure that I’m ready for bed just in case I fall asleep reading.  
Next up, I get a glass of water and whatever book I’m currently reading.  I never start a new book right before bed so I don’t get caught up in it and end up staying up all night.  I don’t have any preference for Kindle or physical book when it comes to bedtime reading.  It’s all based on what I’m currently reading.
Finally, I get situated in bed with enough pillows to prop me up and read.  Depending on what time I get in bed I set my alarm so I know when I need to go to sleep.  I usually end up reading for at least an hour every night in bed.  
So what’s your bedtime reading ritual?  
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  1. I love bedtime reading too! Especially during days where I have to go to school, I find that before I go to sleep is really the only time I have to read. My routine is rather similar to yours with the only difference being that I don’t grab a glass of water. I just can’t go to bed with all that water in my system!

  2. Last night I read “In the After” before bed and it worked its way into my dream in the form of zombie aliens! lolz
    Like you I have to be ready for bed, PJ’s, Teeth brushed, face washed, hair brushed and put up (hate hair all over the place while I am sleeping), etc. before I settle in to read and/or watch tv.
    It seems all of us have similar bed time rituals. Pretty cool.
    Cant wait to see the rest of your and everyone else’s posts over the next 2 weeks..
    Scandalous Bedtime Reading Rituals

  3. I find I always start a new book at bedtime when I’m totally exhausted and usually have to start over again in the morning …

    I’ve been watching TV before bed, but I really need to get back into the habit of reading before bed! A great way to sneak reading time in. 🙂

  4. Your ritual sounds nice. My phone ends up distracting me a little bit too much before bed so I don’t get much reading done. I’m in the same in that my bedtime reading pick is usually what I’m currently reading.

    -P.E. @ The Sirenic Codex

  5. your method is much smarter. i often start new books before bed and then stay up until 4am trying to finish them. i feel horrible the next day but i have no regrets. 🙂

    fishgirl182 @ nite lite book reviews

  6. I’m another who tends to start books before bed – and then am up way too late to finish them! But every night I read before falling asleep; it is just part of my bedtime ritual and I don’t think I could sleep without doing it.

    Erin @ YA Book Crush

  7. OOo, I like the idea of setting your alarm to let you know when you need to go to sleep. I’ve been staying up way too late lately reading, and I’ve been pretty darn exhausted.

  8. Starting a new book before bed isn’t something I really think about. If I’ve just finished one, I’ll start a new one, if not I’ll plug on with my current read. One thing I don’t read before bed is crime/creepy books. They make their way into my dreams.
    Depending on what time I’ve hit the bedroom I usually read for about an hour like you, but if I’m exhausted it’ll be 15-20, of if I’ve turned in early it can be up to 2 hours!