15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Days 13, 14, and 15!

Once again I slacked off this weekend so here are days 13, 14, and 15 of the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge hosted by April of Good Books and Good Wine.

Day 13: Describe one underappreciated book everyone should read.

Mothership by Martin Leict and Isla Neal!

I feel like this book was reviewed by a handful of bloggers but that it really flew under the radar after the month of publication.  It’s not your typical YA book and I loved that about it.  There’s teen pregnancy, aliens, and a spaceship under attack.  It’s a really funny book that I honestly didn’t put down at all once I started it.  I would definitely say that everyone should read this one.

Day 14: Tell us your dealbreakers.

Whiny characters: I cannot deal with characters that whine about every little thing.  It’s one thing that will make me DNF a book, for sure.

Asshole men: I cannot read a book with an asshole love interest.  I don’t care if they are supposed to be considered a bad boy, if they treat a girl like dirt, I’m done.

Animal death: I cannot understand why anyone would hurt an animal in a book!  I haven’t seen this done very often but when I have, I freak out.  It’s the same in tv or movies.

Day 15:  Who are your book blogging mentors?

You know, I actually don’t really have any book blogging mentors.  I’ve kind of taught myself how to blog but I still want to participate in today’s post so I’ll share some of the blogs that I look up to.

Mundie Moms: I am so impressed by all that the Mundie Moms do.  Not a day goes by that there isn’t at least one post on that blog.  I wish I was so on top of things. 

Fiktshun: This is another blog that really impresses me.  Rachel puts so much work into her blog and the blog tour site that she runs with Jamie from Two Chicks on Books (another favorite of mine.)

The Perpetual Page-Turner: Jamie is the sweetest person ever and her blog always has really fresh content.  I wish I could come up with new ideas like she does.  I also really admire how honest she is in all her discussions. 

There are so many other blogs and bloggers I could mention but I’m going to stop there.  Otherwise this post would go on forever.

So, what’s your favorite underappreciated book?  What are your dealbreakers?  And who are your blogging mentors?

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  1. Even though I haven’t read Mothership yet, I definitely agree with you! Everything I’ve heard so far has been nothing short of great but even still, it hasn’t got a lot of buzz which is a shame for such a good book.

  2. My daughter just read that book and was looking for the next one, only to find out it isn’t published yet. She was very disappointed.

    My deal breaker is harm to children. If it’s short and quick, maybe I’m ok, but throughout or drawn out and descriptive, no way.

  3. I think an under-rated book would have to be Sarah cross’ “Kill Me Softly” which is a fairytale retelling… kinda like the ABC show “Once Upon a Time”

  4. I wholeheartedly agree with your dealbreakers – whiny characters are annoying and immature and I don’t want to read about them. Animal death is just a cheap way of getting people crying or horrified and there are more intelligent ways to do it. Also, it’s just terrible enough it happens in reality, we don’t have to see it on the page. And assholey men – there are enough of them in real life. Please I’m begging ya authors, quit writing about them and portraying them as bad boys. They’re not. They’re just selfish jerks (and yes, I’m having issues with this at the moment!! )