15 Day Book Blogger Challenge: Days 6, 7, and 8!!

I missed a couple posts so here are days 6, 7, and 8 of the 15 day book blogger challenge hosted by April at Good Books and Good Wine!

Day 6:  Describe how you shop for books.

So, I think I’m kind of weird when it comes to book shopping.  I’m either really focused when I go into a bookstore or I’m just there for fun.  There’s not really a middle ground for me.  Sometimes I’m looking for one specific book and that will be all I go to the bookstore to pick up.  Other times I just go in because I have some free time and I want to see what catches my eye on the shelf.

Day 7: Talk about your blogging quirks.

  • I’m terrible about writing reviews.  It usually takes me at least a week to write a review after I’ve finished a book.
  • I write my reviews before attempting to format them.  I find it to be easier that way.
  • I try not to post more than one thing a day.  I know if I post two or more, at least one of them gets overlooked.
  • I worry about the design of my blog.  I know people really notice your blog based on what it looks like so I always have to make sure mine looks good.  That goes for formatting posts as well.
  • I make a schedule for my blog and then never stick with it.  Oops.
Day 8: Write 15 bullet points of things that appeal to you on blogs.
  • Clean layout with simple sidebars.
  • A variety of posts.  Don’t just give me the stands WoW, TTT, StS, and other memes.  Switch it up!
  • Discussion posts.  
  • Bright colors.
  • Personality, whether it be through design, personal posts, rants, GIFs, etc.
  • No music.
  • Easy to read fonts and colors.  My eyes are bad enough as it is.  Please don’t make things hard to read.
  • An about me page.
  • Easy follow buttons.  I love finding bloggers on other social media sites so make that easy for me!
  • Ratings.  I know some bloggers don’t like using ratings in reviews but personally, I love them.
  • No CAPTCHA.  Please.
  • Interviews.  I love all kinds of interviews, whether they be with authors, book characters, or even other bloggers.
  • Stacking the Shelves/In My Mailbox posts.  I actually really love these types of posts because I find out about new books.
  • Search bar.  
  • Review archives.
So there you go.  What are some of your blogging quirks and things you look for in other blogs?  
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  1. Psh, your blog always looks gorgeous! I wish I knew more how to do the html and all that so I wouldn’t have to deal with blogger :/ I also make schedules all the time, and them it’s like. Schedule ? What Schedule? cue the madness!!

    I also love mailbox posts! Even if the ones filled with pretty ARCs make me a bit green with envy haha. I know I will get to read them eventually!

    The Passionate Bookworm

  2. “I make a schedule for my blog and then never stick with it.” = CLASSIC!

    I can’t stand Captcha. I’m not a robot and I can’t read them half the time. It’s some sort of conspiracy! 🙂

  3. I really enjoyed reading your list, it’s very concise and most of it are ones that I agree with too, I love ratings too and my blog still has ratings. My blog currently has sounds/music but I didn’t purposefully put it there and now I don’t know it’s source and can’t seem to remove it! It’s driving me insane because it’s definitely one of my blogging pet hates and my own blog has it!!!!

    Day 8 Book Blogger Challenge

  4. Maybe it’s better that you wait a while before reviewing, because if you’re still thinking about characters and their story a few days after finishing the book, it means they’ve withstood the test of time and it might mean it’s a five star book 🙂