Published by Bloomsbury on June 19, 2012
Genres: Contemporary
Pages: 224
Format: ebook
Source: Bought
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When Travis returns home from a stint in Afghanistan, his parents are splitting up, his brother’s stolen his girlfriend and his car, and he’s haunted by nightmares of his best friend’s death. It’s not until Travis runs into Harper, a girl he’s had a rocky relationship with since middle school, that life actually starts looking up. And as he and Harper see more of each other, he begins to pick his way through the minefield of family problems and post-traumatic stress to the possibility of a life that might resemble normal again. Travis’s dry sense of humor, and incredible sense of honor, make him an irresistible and eminently lovable hero.
Something Like Normal has been on my radar for a while but it’s one of those books that I just kept putting off. I was a little scared to read it because my expectations were pretty high after reading all the wonderful reviews. I’m happy to say that my expectations were met and exceeded.
Something Like Normal is a short book but don’t let that fool you. It will take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions in just a little over 200 pages. I laughed, I cried, and there were some times when I really just wanted to scream (I was on a plane at the time so I don’t think that would have gone over well.) From the very first page I felt connected and invested in the characters and I was rooting for a happy ending. Something Like Normal takes no time at all to get into and you won’t want to stop reading once you start.
Travis has not had it easy the past year. His best friend is dead, his girlfriend left him for his younger brother, his dad hates him, and his mom has become a little obsessive. Everything changed for him when he joined the military. It’s easy to see that he has post traumatic stress disorder but he doesn’t want to deal with it. He does everything he can to forget about what happened in Afghanistan but he can’t leave it behind. Travis is very emotionally messed up but I couldn’t help but love him. His heart was in the right place, even if his head wasn’t. He’s an easy character to grow attached to and you won’t be able to help loving him and wanting him to be happy. His family is really messed up but not one of the worse I’ve read. His mom was loving and supportive and awesome, no matter what he did. His brother was a little annoying. His dad was a downright ass. Just saying. As for Harper, she was everything I could have wanted in a love interest for Travis. She wasn’t his typical style (like his crazy ex-girlfriend) and that’s what he needed. He needed someone smart and stable and kind. Harper was perfect for Travis.
The story is a lot deeper than most YA. In fact, this one could pretty much be considered NA. I really liked that Trish Doller didn’t try to gloss over the gritty details. Travis has seen people die. In fact, he’s been the cause of some of those deaths. Trish Doller doesn’t leave out any of the details about what Travis has seen and done. She didn’t shy away from the hard stuff and it made Travis’ story so much better.
Overall, I highly recommend checking out Trish Doller’s debut novel. Contemporary fans will completely adore it.
What others are saying about Something Like Normal:
YA Book Queen’s review: “Once I began, I couldn’t put this book down until the final page arrived.”
Stacked’s review: “Trish Doller’s Something Like Normal is an emotional read and one that hits every single note right.”
The Bookish Brunette’s review: “Call me predictable, but given that this book has a Military Man in it, it pretty much rocked my face off.”
This sounds like a brilliant book 🙂 Great review!
I’ve been meaning to read this for over a year. I even bought the book, again over a year ago. But it’s been quietly collecting dust on my bookshelves. I think I might try to read it either during Bout of Books 8.0 or my ten-day vacation in a few weeks.
I’ve heard great things about Something Like Normal – especially how Doller handles the girtty stuff, like you said. Oh, and how Travis’s voice feels very “guy” like.
YAY! So happy you loved SLN! I was skeptical when I started it, but Doller has a way with words. I agree, it was so easy to grow attached to (and love) Travis, and this was definitely an emotional story. I’m hoping Doller’s next novel will be just as incredible!
Fabulous review, Katie! And thank you for linking to my review 🙂
This sounds like a great book to hunt down! Thanks for sharing your review!
Laureen @ Ms. Bibliophile.
THIS BOOK. I need to give it another shot. Because I’ve read it (and loved it), but don’t count myself as having read it because I don’t feel like I gave it enough attention as I was reading. Which is weird, I know, but still. But I am SO GLAD you loved it! Trish is going to be at ATBF, too, so you know…another good reason to make the trip 😉
Oh, and I also liked how deep Trish Doller made this story. Part of the reason I need to give this one another go with more attention!
Just a Booklover
I remember feeling exactly like you and putting off reading the book because my expectations were abnormally high and I didn’t want to be let down. But I ended up reading it and just loved it. I guess it could be considered NA i never really thought of that before but I see it now fitting more there than YA. The book was short, too short I felt like if it had been longer I wouldn’t have minded one bit. I loved Travis’ voice and i remember thinking “I haven’t read a proper YA MALE voice like this since Adam from Where She Went” I just felt like I was actually in a guys head! Great Review Kate 🙂
Lily @ Lilysbookblog
Yes, there was so much emotion packed into such a short book! I love when authors all able to pull that off so seamlessly. I absolutely loved it! I’m looking forward to reading her new book soon. 🙂
Eeeep! I love when characters are messed up but still manage to be likable. I need to put this book on my TBR.
Yay! I keep hearing good things about this book and I wanted to wait before I read it and I kept putting it off too. I really want to like Trish Doller’s writing but I’m super nervous for some reason.
Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books
I have heard a lot about this book, but following on from this I am definitely going to take a look at it.
Holly – http://hollydaydreamer.blogspot.co.uk/
I guess now I have to add this to my TBR list.
This was one of my favorite reads last year. I wasn’t expecting it to blow me away and I thought it would be a cheesy romance from the cover since I went in without reading the blurb.
I’m so glad you liked Travis. I loved him too. His emotions were so realistic.
Lovely review! 🙂
This sounds AMAZING. I had heard that Trish Doller’s books were good, but now I really need to pick this one up!
Sara at The Page Sage
This book sounds great! I’m adding this to my TBR list. Great review!
Love love love this book! It was my favorite debut of 2012, it blew me away. Where the Stars Still Shine, Trish’s sophomore novel, is sooo great, too – she’s already one of my favorite authors. So glad you liked this one!
I have been meaning the read this one for the longest. Wow, Travis really does have a lot of crap going on in his life and I would love to see how he handled it all. I def have to bump this one up after reading your review. Awesome!
Confessions of a Vi3tBabe
Deity Island
After enjoying Where the Stars Still Shine I really want to read this! It sounds like a moving contemporary. I actually like the fact that it’s only around 200 pages. I find I’m gravitating to shorter reads lately. Wonderful review, Katie. 🙂
I just recently read this and I also really liked Travis. I think Trish Doller has a great writing style. Amazing review! 🙂
I was able to nab this book from ARCycling and you just got me so excited to read it! <3
This book sounds fantastic! Sadly, I am scared to read it. Anything having to do with the military and soldiers rips me to shreds. :/ Great review! 🙂
Yes!! This one was so good, and I’m glad that you enjoyed it! Travis was a great MC. 🙂
I feel like this could be classified as NA as well. While I loved Harper, I didn’t like the romance because I didn’t think Travis was good enough for her-I still feel like he’ll just end up breaking her heart.
Oh my God I adore this book. I love how PTSD is portrayed, I love how the change in him is perceived by his family and by himself and I love the romance. The voice is perfect and perfectly boyish and at times funny.
The turtles rocked!! The friendship between the two boys was so emotional too 🙂