Waiting on…Hexed by Michelle Krys

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking The Spine.

book cover of Hexed by Michelle Krys

Title: Hexed (The Witch Hunter #1)
Author: Michelle Krys
Release date: June 10, 2014

If high school is all about social status, Indigo Blackwood has it made. Sure, her quirky mom owns an occult shop, and a nerd just won’t stop trying to be her friend, but Indie is a popular cheerleader with a football-star boyfriend and a social circle powerful enough to ruin everyone at school. Who wouldn’t want to be her?

Then a guy dies right before her eyes. And the dusty old family Bible her mom is freakishly possessive of is stolen. But it’s when a frustratingly sexy stranger named Bishop enters Indie’s world that she learns her destiny involves a lot more than pom-poms and parties. If she doesn’t get the Bible back, every witch on the planet will die. And that’s seriously bad news for Indie, because according to Bishop, she’s a witch too.

Suddenly forced into a centuries-old war between witches and sorcerers, Indie’s about to uncover the many dark truths about her life—and a future unlike any she ever imagined on top of the cheer pyramid.

I’m not normally a fan of supernatural books but I do love me some witches.  Also, the cover and tagline really caught my eye.  This is actually a tagline I approve of.  =)

What are you waiting on this Wednesday?

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  1. I too love witches, which is why I’m really a huge fan of Jessica Shea’s Bork Wicked series!

    I hope this has lots of awesome magic and a realistic teenage experience without too much silly drama even though some would be fun 🙂