Short Story Saturday: Niederwald by Rachel Vincent

Short Story Saturday was created by Lauren at 365 Days of Reading.  I can’t guarantee that I’ll post a review every Saturday but I will post one as often as I can!

I am currently reading Enthralled: Paranormal Diversions.

book cover of Enthralled: Paranormal Diversions edited by Melissa Marr and Kelley Armstrong

Short Story: Niederwald
Author: Rachel Vincent
Anthology: Enthralled: Paranormal Diversions

Niederwald is set in the world of the Soul Screamers series and I have to admit, it was a little confusing for me. There was a lot of back story to the characters that I did not have and I feel like this story was a little spoilery if you haven’t read the Soul Screamers series.
Emma and Sabine are in Niederwald, Texas for some unknown mission of Sabine’s. Emma really just got dragged along. Sabine is a world class bitch who cares only for herself. The whole reason she’s in Niederwald is to see if the guy she likes will ever break up with his girlfriend. Really? Immature much? That wouldn’t be so bad if she wasn’t putting Emma’s life in danger. Emma’s human and the other inhabitants of Niederwald are not. Yikes.
I will admit there was a lot of action and intrigue in this short story that made me really enjoy it. I didn’t know what exactly was going on at all times and I had no clue what was going to happen. I enjoyed that about Niederwald even if I didn’t feel like I knew everything I needed to know to fully enjoy the story.
Overall, if you haven’t read the Soul Screamers series, you might want to skip this one. It’s a good story but, like I said, seemed a little spoilery and confusing.
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  1. I love Soul Screamers, and I think this story was targeting fans of the series instead of trying to get new fans. I mean Sabine comes off as a total idiot unless you read the books and see why she acts like that.

    Try the series, I think you’d really like the characters.