Short Story Saturday: Scenic Route by Carrie Ryan

Short Story Saturday was created by Lauren at 365 Days of Reading.  I can’t guarantee that I’ll post a review every Saturday but I will post one as often as I can!

I am currently reading Enthralled: Paranormal Diversions.

book cover of Enthralled: Paranormal Diversions edited by Melissa Marr and Kelley Armstrong
Short Story: Scenic Route
Author: Carrie Ryan
Anthology: Enthralled: Paranormal Diversions

Scenic Route by Carrie Ryan is a short story set in the world of Carrie Ryan’s Forest of Hands and Teeth series. I have not yet read that series but if this short story is any indication, it’s a fabulous series that is supremely creepy. There isn’t a lot of background regarding the world that Scenic Route is set in and that is my only complaint about this short story. However, I feel like if you’ve read The Forest of Hands and Teeth, you will already know plenty about the world.

This story is more creepy in a realistic way than in a horror way. Sure there is talk of the dead wandering around killing people but that’s not really the danger in Scenic Route. It’s other people, living people, that cause the danger to Margie and her sister. I read this story late at night and I felt like I needed to get up and make sure all the doors were locked. It’s that kind of creepy.

Overall, Scenic Route had some flaws but it was a pretty great short story in the end.

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  1. This seems intriguing! I liked reading your review but I wouldn’t actually read myself as often my overactive brain gives me the most awful nightmares. Sometimes it does anyway for no reason. Anywhoo, I still want to look this up, and the forest of hands and teeth O_O

  2. This author rocks! She created a wonderful world with characters who grabbed us all with their survival and their sadness. Glad there’s more from that world in this collection!!

    Lovely review 🙂